
9/1/2025-10/1/2025 The Institute Research Council (IRC) meeting was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Ratan Tiwari, Director ICAR-IIWBR Karnal. All the Principal Investigators, and scientists of the institute attended the meeting.

13/12/2024 गेहूं में जस्ता संवर्धन को मुख्यधारा में लाने के लिए त्वरित प्रजनन” विषय पर व्यावहारिक चार दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम आज आई.सी.ए.आर.- आई.आई.डब्ल्यू.बी.आर., करनाल में संपन्न हुआ डॉ. रतन तिवारी ,निदेशक, आई.सी.ए.आर.- आई.आई.डब्ल्यू.बी.आर. ने विभिन्न राज्यों के सभी 25 प्रतिभागियों को प्रमाण पत्र प्रदान किया|

The valedictory function of 04 days Hands on training on “Accelerated Breeding for Mainstreaming Zinc Enrichment in Wheat was held at ICAR- IIWBR, Karnal today. Dr. Ratan Tiwari, Director, ICAR-IIWBR distributed the certificates to all the 25 participants from different states. The four-day training programme has been organized under Zn Mainstreaming Project in collaboration with CIMMYT.

11/12/2024 Visit of honorable Cabinet Minister Sri Shivraj Singh Chouhan ji at IIWBR

18/11/2024 29th Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting was held at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal in the presence of Dr. P. L. Gautam, Chairman RAC and Former Vice Chancellor (GBPUAT, Pantnagar) & Former Chairman, PPVFRA, New Delhi and other distinguished members of RAC.

14/9/2024-2/10/2024  स्वच्छता ही सेवा “स्वभाव स्वच्छता-संस्कार स्वच्छता” स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा

14/9/2024 – 30/9/2024 राजभाषा उत्सव और हिंदी पखवाड़ा

29/8/2024 ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal organised the plantation event on 29th August, 2024 at Gehoon Vihar, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal as part of the Global Campaign “#एक पेड़ माँ के नाम #Plant 4 Mother” launched on the occasion of world environment day 2024 by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Everyone participated enthusiastically in this program such as scientists, researchers and the student of IARI-IIWBR Karnal hub.

19/7/2024 The 32nd IMC meeting is held today (19.07.2024) at 11:00 AM in Dr. V.S. Mathur Hall, ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research, Karnal under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ratan Tiwari, Director, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal. The house was appraised on all round development, various scientific break-throughs including the success of new wheat varieties and remarkable research achievements recorded during the period commensurate with the repute of Institute. The IMC members appreciated research activities of Institute during the period.

9/07/2024 The Institute Research Council (IRC) meeting was held today under the chairmanship of Dr. Ratan Tiwari, Director ICAR-IIWBR Karnal. All the Principal Investigators, and scientists of the institute attended the meeting. Scientists from Flowerdale Shimla and Hisar centre joined the meeting online.

21/6/2024 Celebration of International Day of Yoga

07/05/2024 ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal Signed MoU with Chitkara University Mohali (Punjab) for the collaboration in different areas of agriculture Sciences: Agri-preneurship Development, Nano-technology and Quality & Basic Sciences Research in wheat and Barley Crops.
26-04-2024 to 28-04-2024

12-04-2024A special brainstorming session on “Augmenting Pre-breeding for wheat improvement” was organized today at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal, in hybrid mode in which Dr. Gyanendra Singh, Director, was the Chairman and Dr. NS Bains, Former Director Research, PAU Ludhiana, was Co-chairman. During the session four eminent speakers (Dr. BS Tyagi, PI Coordination, ICAR-IIWBR, Dr. NS Bains, Prof. BS Gill, Kansas State University, USA, and Prof. Julie King, University of Nottingham, UK) delivered lectures on different aspects of wheat pre-breeding and the way forward. The session was attended by researchers from All India Coordinated Wheat and Barely Research Centers, State Agricultural Universities and IIWBR staff.

29-03-2024 Glimpses of Day-3 scientific sessions and also valedictory programme of 5IGM for which Dr. SK Malhotra, Vice-Chancellor, MHU, Karnal was the chief guest and Dr. Major Singh, Member ASRB was the chairman of the valedictory program. This 3 days event was organised with focus on future research agenda and we plan to bring out actionable road map to achieve targets of productivity, production, quality needs, climate resilience, digital farming and sustainability of systems. Big thanks to all for making it a grand success.



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