Research Papers (2022)
- Adhikari S, Kumari J, Jacob SR, Prasad P, Gangwar OP, Lata C, Thakur R, Singh AK, Bansal R, Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC and Kumar S. 2022. Landraces-potential treasure for sustainable wheat improvement. Genet Resour Crop Evol. Rating: 7.52)
- Ahlawat OP, Gill SC, Venkatesh K, Chhokar RS, Khippal A, Singh G and Singh GP. 2022. Impact of long-term application of organic manure on inceptisol properties, grain protein content and yield of wheat. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis(Accepted) (NAAS rating: 7.58)
- Ahlawat OP, Walia N, Venkatesh K, Yadav D, Arora NK and Singh G .2022. Variations in chemical constituents of the rhizosphere of bread wheat genotypes and their significance for using as markers for heat and drought tolerance. Arid Land Research and Management(Accepted) (NAAS rating: 7.96).
- Ahlawat OP, Yadav D, Kashyap PL, Khippal A and Singh G. 2022. Wheat endophytes and their potential role in managing abiotic stress under changing climate. Journal of Applied Microbiology. (NAAS rating: 10.059)
- Bashyal BM, Gupta AK, Parmar P, Yadav J, Choudhary R, Kumar R, Singh D and Aggarwal R. 2022. Management of bakanae disease using fungicides and their effect on disease symptomatology. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences92(9): 1096–1100. doi: 10.56093/ijas.v92i9.112530 (NAAS Rating: 6.37)
- Bhardwaj AK, Arya G, Kumar R, Hamed L, Pirasteh-Anosheh H, Jasrotia P, Kashyap PL and Singh GP. 2022. Switching to nanonutrients for sustaining agroecosystems and environment: the challenges and benefits in moving up from ionic to particle feeding. Journal of Nanobiotechnology20: 19. (NAAS Ratings: 15.43).
- Chandra P, Gill SC, Prajapat K, Barman A, Chhokar RS, Tripathi SC, Singh G, Kumar R, Rai AK, Khobra R and Jasrotia P. 2022. Response of wheat cultivars to organic and inorganic nutrition: Effect on the yield and soil biological properties. Sustainability14(15):9578. (NAAS Ratings: 9.25).
- Chhokar RS, Sharma RK, Kumar N, Singh RK and Singh GP. 2022. Advancing sowing time and conservation tillage-the climate-resilient approach to enhance the productivity and profitability of wheat. International Journal of Plant Production. (NAAS Rating: 8.02)
- Devate N, Krishna H, Sunilkumar V, Manjunath K, MishraCN, Jain N, Singh G and Singh P. 2022. Identification of genomic regions of wheat associated with grain Fe and Zn content under drought and heat stress using genome-wide association study. Frontiers in Genetics, 13. pp.1034947-1034947 Rating: 10.60)
- Devate NB, Krishna H, Mishra CN, Manjunath KK, Sunilkumar VP, Manjunath KK, Jain N, Singh GP and Singh PK. 2022. Genetic dissection of marker trait associations for grain micro-nutrients and thousand grain weight under heat and moisture deficit stress conditions in wheat. Plant Sci. Sec. Plant Abiotic Stress doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1082513 (NAAS Rating: 11.75)
- Devate NB, Krishna H, Parmeshwarappa SK, Manjunath KK, Chauhan D, Singh S, Singh JB, Kumar M, Patil R, Khan H and Jain N. 2022 Genome-wide association mapping for component traits of drought and heat tolerance in wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2886. rating: 11.75)
- Devi K, Chahal S, Pandey GC, Rinki and Tiwari R. 2022. Utilization of Heat Susceptibility Index for Comparative Evaluation of Consistent Yield Performance in Wheat Under Heat Stress. Acad. Sci. Lett.45, 291–295 (2022). rating:6.65)
- Devi K, Chahal S, Venkatesh K, Singh S, Tripathi SC, Mamrutha HM, Sharma R, Sheoran S, Singh NK, Singh G, Singh GP and Tiwari R. 2022. Identification of Wheat Genotypes Resilient to Terminal Heat Stress Using GGE Biplot Analysis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (NAAS Rating:9.61)
- Gangwar OP, Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Prasad P, Lata C, Adhikari S and Singh GP. 2022. Elucidating the population structure and genetic diversity of Indian Puccinia striiformis sp. triticipathotypes based on microsatellite markers. Phytopathology 112: 1444-1453. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-10-21-0422-R. (NAAS Rating: 10.03)
- Gaur A, Jindal Y, Singh V, Tiwari R, Kumar D, Kaushik D, Singh J, Narwal S, Jaiswal S, Iquebal MA, Angadi UB, Singh G, Rai A, Singh GP and Sheoran S. 2022. GWAS to Identify Novel QTNs for WSCs Accumulation in Wheat Peduncle Under Different Water Regimes. Plant Sci. 13:825687. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.825687.(NAAS rating 12.62)
- Gowda BC, Kumar A, Lal SK, Akhtar J, Mishra GP, Tiwari SK, Kumar R and Javeria S. 2022. Evaluation of bio-control agents for management of fruit rot and its effect on seed quality in chilli. Indian Journal of Horticulture79(4): 450-457. doi: 5958/0974-0112.2022.00063.9 (NAAS Rating: 6.16)
- Gupta OP, Singh AK, Singh A, Singh GP, Bansal KC and Datta SK. 2022. Wheat biofortification: utilizing natural genetic diversity, genome-wide association mapping, genomic selection, and genome editing technologies. Frontiers in Nutrition9: 826131 (NAAS rating: 12.58).
- Gupta V, Kumar P, Singh G, Singh C, Sharma AK, Tyagi BS, Singh GP. 2022. Multi-environment characterization of bread wheat genotypes for waterlogging tolerance. Genetika, 54(1): 161-172. (NAAS rating:6.75)
- Harohalli MM, Sharma D, Khobra R, Krishnappa G, Khan H, Singh SK, Singh G and Singh GP. 2022. Pollen viability as a potential trait for screening heat-tolerant wheat (Triticum aestivum). Funct Plant Biol. Jun;49(7):625-633. doi: 10.1071/FP21096. PMID: 35272764. (NAAS rating:8.81)
- Ibba MI, Gupta OP, Govindan V, Johnson AAT, Brinch-Pedersen H, Nikolic M and Taleon V. 2022. Editorial: Wheat biofortification to alleviate global malnutrition. Frontiers in Nutrition 9:1001443 (NAAS rating: 12.58).
- Jaiswal S, Aneja B, Jagannadham J, Pandey B, Chhokar RS, Gill SC, Ahlawat OP, Kumar A, Angadi UB, Rai A, Tiwari R, Iquebal MA and Kumar D.2022. Unveiling the wheat microbiome under varied agricultural field conditions. Microbiology Spectrum. (NAAS rating: 15.043)
- Jasrotia P, Sharma S, Nagpal M, Kamboj D, Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Kumar S and Singh GP. 2022. Comparative transcriptome analysis of wheat in response to corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphummaidisinfestation. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:989365. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.989365. (NAAS Rating: 11.75)
- Jordan DL, Buol GS, Brandenburg RL, Reisig D, Nboyine J, Abudulai M, Oteng-Frimpong R, Brandford MM, Asibuo JY, Arthur S, Akromah R and Jasrotia P. 2022. Examples of Risk Tools for Pests in Peanut (Arachishypogaea) Developed for Five Countries Using Microsoft Excel. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 13(1):20. Ratings: 10.01)
- Kamble U, Mishra CN, Govindan V, Sharma AK, Pawar S, Kumar S, Gopalareddy K, Gupta OP, Singh GP and Singh G. 2022. Ensuring Nutritional Security in India through Wheat Biofortification: A Review, Genes2022, 13, (12), 2298. org/10.3390/genes13122298(NAAS Rating:10.10)
- Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Sharma A, Kumar RS, Mahapatra S, Kaul N, Khanna A, Jasrotia P, Singh GP. 2022. Molecular diversity, haplotype distribution and genetic variation flow of Bipolaris sorokinianafungus causing spot blotch disease in different wheat-growing zones. Journal of Applied Genetics 63:793–803. doi:10.1007/s13353-022-00716-w. (NAAS Rating: 9.24)
- Kaul N, Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Singh D, Singh GP. 2022. Diversity and exploration of endophytic bacilli for the management of head scab (Fusarium graminearum) of Wheat. Pathogens11 (10):1088. doi:10.3390/pathogens11101088 (NAAS Rating: 9.97)
- Kaul N, Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Singh D, Singh GP. 2022. Genetic diversity and population structure of head blight disease causing fungus Fusarium graminearumin Northern wheat belt of India. Journal of Fungi 8 (8):820. Doi:10.3390/jof8080820. (NAAS Rating: 11.82)
- Khan H, Krishnappa G, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Krishna H, Devate NB, Rathan ND, Parkash O, Yadav SS, Srivastava P, Biradar S. 2022. Genome-wide association study for grain yield and component traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). Frontiers in Genetics. 13:982589. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.982589 (NAAS rating: 10.60).
- Khan H, Krishnappa G, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Parkash O, Rathore A, Das RR, Yadav R, Krishna H, Bishnoi OP, Sohu VS. 2022. Genetic gains in grain yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars developed from 1965 to 2020 for irrigated production conditions of north-western plains zone of India. Cereal Research Communications.1-0. (NAAS rating: 7.24).
- Khan H, Wani SH, Bhardwaj SC, Rani K, Bishnoi SK and Singh GP. 2022. Wheat spike blast: genetic interventions for effective management. Molecular Biology Reports. (NAAS Rating: 8.32)
- Kharub AS, Ram H, Singh B, Kumar S, Berkesia N, Yadav M, Singh BP, Kaur M, Kumar D, Verma RPS and Singh GP. (2022). Use of growth regulators for lodging tolerance and increasing productivity of barley (Hordeum vulgare): An empirical study. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92 (11):1306–1310.(NAAS Rating: 6.37)
- Krishnappa G, Khan H, Krishna H, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Parkash O, Devate NB, Nepolean T, Rathan ND, Mamrutha HM, Srivastava P. 2022. Genetic dissection of grain iron and zinc, and thousand kernel weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum) using genome-wide association study. Scientific Reports. 12(1):1-14. rating: 10.38).
- Kumar A, Sahoo U, Lal MK, Tiwari RK, Lenka SK, Singh NR, Gupta OP, Sah RP, and Sharma S. 2022. Biochemical markers for low glycemic index and approaches to alter starch digestibility in rice. Journal of Cereal Science 106:103501 (NAAS rating: 9.62).
- Kumar D, Narwal S, Karnam V, Verma RPS and Singh GP. 2022. Grain beta-glucan as selection criteria for wort beta-glucan in malt barley improvement. Journal of Cereal Science107:103519 (NAAS Rating: 10.08).
- Kumar D, Sharma AK, Narwal S, Sheoran S, Verma RPS and Singh GP. 2022. Utilization of Grain Physical and Biochemical Traits to Predict Malting Quality of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) under Sub-Tropical Climate. Foods11 (21): 3403. (NAAS rating 11.56).
- Kumar M, Hasan M, Choyal P, Tomar M, Gupta OP, Sasi M, Changan S, Lorenzo JM, Singh S, Sampathrajan V, and Dhumal S. 2022. Cottonseed feedstock as a source of plant-based protein and bioactive peptides: Evidence based on biofunctionalities and industrial applications. Food Hydrocolloids,131: 107776 (NAAS rating: 15.15).
- Kumar N and Raheman H. 2022. Production, characterization and utilization of second-generation biodiesel blend in diesel engine using water and nanoparticles as additives. Fuel308:122063. (NAAS Rating: 12.61)
- Kumar N, Chaudhary A, Ahlawat OP, Naorem AK, Upadhyay G, Chhokar RS, Gill SC, Khippal A, Tripathi SC and Singh GP. 2022. Crop residue management challenges, opportunities and way forward for sustainable food-energy security in future. Soil and Tillage Research228: 105641 (NAAS rating: 13.37).
- Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Prasad P, Chakrabarty R, Kashyap PL, Khan H, Savadi S, Mahato BN andMalaker PK. 2022 Characterization of five new pathotypes of Puccinia triticina identified from Northeast India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Australasian Plant Pathology. 51(3):315-25. rating: 7.60)
- Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Prasad P, Lata C, and Adhikari S (2022) Mutations in Puccinia triticinapathotypes in wheat rust repository in India. Journal of Phytopathology 170 (11-12): 758-763. DOI: 10.1111/jph.13147.(NAAS Rating: 7.79)
- Kumari P, Jasrotia P, Kumar D, Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Kumar S and Singh GP. 2022. Biotechnological Approaches for Host Plant Resistance to Insect Pests. Frontiers in Genetics13:914029. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.914029.(NAAS Rating: 10.60)
- Kumari S, Gupta OP, Kumar S, Sasi M, Arpitha SR, Amirtham D, Mishra CB, Thimmegowda V, Krishnan V, Sachdev A, Kumar RR, and Dahuja A. 2022. A novel continuous enzyme coupled colorimetric assay for phospholipase A2and its application in the determination of catalytic activity of oil-body–associated oleosin protein. Food Analalytical Methods15:2155–2162 (NAAS rating: 9.37).
- Lata C, Prasad P, Gangwar OP, Adhikari S, Thakur RK, Savadi S, Kumar K, Kumar S, Singh GP and Bhardwaj SC (2022) Temporal behaviour of wheat – Puccinia striiformis interaction prompted defense-responsive genes. Journal of PlantInteractions17(1): 674-684.(NAAS Rating: 10.21)
- Mohan D, Khan H, Gupta V, Krishnappa G, Singh GP. 2022. Grain weight predictors in wheat and the prospects of their utilization in different production environments. Cereal Research Communications Rating: 6.85)
- Mohan D, Mamrutha HM, Khobra R, Singh G and Singh GP. 2022. Relevance of height, heading and maturity in productivity enhancement of wheat. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding82(01), 31–37. org/10.31742/IJGPB.82.1.5(NAAS Rating: 6.85)
- Mohan D, Mishra CN, Krishnappa G and Singh GP. 2022. Relevance of yield-related growth parameters in protein, iron and zinc and the prospects of their utilization for wheat (Triticum aestivum) improvement. Cereal Research Communications, pp.1-12. (NAAS Rating: 6.85)
- Mohan D, Sendhil R, Gupta OP, Pandey V, Gopalareddy K, and Singh GP. 2022. Wheat quality index: new holistic approach to identify quality superior genotypes. Cereal Research Communications,50:1105–1115 (NAAS rating: 6.85).
- Pandey A, Khobra R, Mamrutha HM, Wadhwa Z, Krishnappa G, Singh G, Singh GP. 2022. Elucidating the Drought Responsiveness in Wheat Genotypes. Sustainability. 14(7):3957. (NAAS rating:9.89)
- Paul S, Duhan JS, Jaiswal S, Angadi UB, Sharma R, Raghav N, Gupta OP, Sheoran S, Sharma P, Singh R, Rai A, Singh GP, Kumar D, Iquebal MA and TiwariR. 2022. RNA-Seq Analysis of Developing Grains of Wheat to Intrigue into the Complex Molecular Mechanism of the Heat Stress Response. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13. DOI={10.3389/fpls.2022.904392}(NAAS rating:12.63)
- Paul S, Duhan JS, Jaiswal S, Angadi UB, Sharma R, Raghav N, Gupta OP, Sheoran S, Sharma P, Singh R, Rai A, Singh GP, Kumar D, Iquebal MA and Tiwari R. 2022. RNASeq analysis of developing grains of wheat to intrigue into the complex molecular mechanism of the heat stress response. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 904392 (NAAS rating: 12.63).
- Prasad P, Thakur RK, Savadi S, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Lata C, Adhikari S and Kumar S (2022) Genetic diversity and population structure reveal cryptic genetic variation and long-distance migration of Puccinia graminis sp. tritici in the Indian subcontinent. Frontiers in Microbiology 13: 842106 ( (NAASRating: 11.64)
- Rabuma T, Gupta OP and Chhokar V. 2022. Recent advances and potential applications of cross-kingdom movement of miRNAs in modulating plant’s disease response. RNA Biology19(1):519-532 (NAAS rating: 10.65).
- Rashid M, Vaishnav A, Verma RK, Sharma P, Penna S and Gaur RK. 2022. Epigenetic regulation of salinity stress responses in cereals. Molecular Biology Reports 49(1):761-772. (NAAS rating: 8.74)
- Saini P, Kaur H, Tyagi V, Yadav AN, Saini P, Sharma V, Singh C, Dhaliwal HS and Sheikh I. 2022. Genetic enhancement of nutritional and end use quality in bread wheat through alien introgressions from wild relatives. Cereal Research Communications, Pp 1-20. rating: 7.24)
- Sharma K, Kumar M, Waghmare R, Suhag R, Gupta OP, Lorenzo JM, Prakash S, Radha, Rais N, Sampathrajan V, Thappa C, Anitha T, Sayed AAS, Abdel-Wahab BA, Senapathy M, Pandiselvam R, Dey A, Dhumal, Amarowicz R and Kennedy JF. 2022. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) polysaccharides: extraction, characterization, bioactivities, and industrial application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules209(Part A):763-778 (NAAS rating: 12.95).
- Sharma P, Shefali M, Singroha G, Selvakumar R, Singh SK and Singh GP. 2022. Phylogeographic population diversity analysis of Bipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc) Shoem causing spot blotch disease in wheat and barley. Genes 13: 2206. (NAAS rating:10.14)
- Sheoran S, Jaiswal S, Raghav N, Sharma R, Sabhyata, Gaur A, Jaisri J, Tandon G, Singh S, Sharma P, Singh R, Iquebal MA, Angadi UB, Gupta A, Singh G, Singh GP, Rai A, Kumar D and Tiwari R.2022. Genome-Wide Association Study and Post-genome-Wide Association Study Analysis for Spike Fertility and Yield Related Traits in Bread Wheat. Plant Sci. 12:820761. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.820761(NAAS rating:12.63)
- Shilpa, Thakur RK, Prasad P, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Kumar S. 2022. Epigenetics of wheat–rust interaction: an update. Planta255, 50. doi: 10.1007/s00425-022-03829-y.(NAAS Rating: 10.12)
- Singh K, Saripalli G, Gautam T, Prasad P, Jain N, Balyan HS and Gupta PK. 2022. BS-Seq reveals major role of differential CHH methylation during leaf rust resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Mol Genet Genomics. (NAAS Rating: 9.29)
- Singroha G, Kumar S, Gupta OP, Singh GP and Sharma P. 2022. Uncovering the epigenetic marks involved in mediating salt stress tolerance in plants. Frontiers in Genetics,13: 811732 (NAAS rating: 10.60).
- Solanki MK, Solanki AC, Rai S, Srivastava S, Kashyap BK, Divvela PK, Kumar S, Yandigeri M, Kashyap PL, Srivastava AK, Ali B, Qureshi KA, Jaremko M, Khan S. 2022. Functional interplay between antagonistic bacteria and Rhizoctoniasolaniin the tomato plant rhizosphere. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:990850. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.990850(NAAS Rating: 11.64)
- Srivastava AK, Kashyap PL, Santoyo G and Newcombe G. 2022. Editorial: Plant Microbiome: Interactions, Mechanisms of Action, and Applications, Volume II. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:915684. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.915684. (NAAS Rating: 11.64)
- Srivastava AK, Ruchi S, Pratap BA, Singh AK, Sharma A, Das S, Tiwari PK, Srivastava AK, Chakdar H, Kashyap PL and Saxena A K. 2022. Analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters, secretory and anti-microbial peptides reveal environmental suitability of Exiguobacteriumprofundum Frontiers in Microbiology 10:3389. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.785458.(NAAS Rating: 11.64)
- Srivastava AK, Srivastava R, Sharma A, Bharati AP, Yadav J, Singh AK, Tiwari PK, Srivatava AK, Chakdar H, Kashyap PL and Saxena AK. 2022. Transcriptome Analysis to Understand Salt Stress Regulation Mechanism of Chromohalobactersalexigens Frontiers in Microbiology 13:909276. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.909276. (NAAS Rating: 11.64)
- Yadav J, Jasrotia P, Bhardwaj AK, Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Singh M, Singh GP.2022. Nanopesticides: Current status and scope for their application in agriculture. Plant Protection Science 58 (1): 1-17. (NAAS Rating: 7.46)
- Choudhary D, Chhokar RS, Gill SC, Samota SR, Kumar N and Yadav GL. 2022. Effect of Tillage and Herbicides on Weeds and Yield of Maize (Zea mays). Journal of Cereal Research14 (2):204-210. (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Gaur A, Sharna D, Sheoran S, Singh G and Singh GP.2022. Role of Water Soluble Carbohydrates in Improving Drought Stress Tolerance in Wheat: An Overview. Journal of Cereal ResearchDOI: 25174/2582-2675/2022/119850(NAAS rating: 4.57)
- Jha A, Khobra R, Mamrutha HM, Dohrey P, Wadhwa Z, Deswal K, Singh G and Singh GP. 2022. Understanding heat and drought stress adaptation mechanisms in wheat: A Combined Approach. Journal of Cereal Research14(Spl-1): 42-52. org/10.25174/2582-2675/2022/125723. (NAAS rating:4.57)
- Joshi DC, Sood S, Gupta A, Khulbe , RK, Bhinda MS, Pandey BM, Meena RP and Kant L. 2022. VL Mandua 380: A medium maturing, high yielding and blast tolerant finger millet cultivar for rainfed organic agro-ecology of hills. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding13(3):1150-1155. rating 5.14)
- Katare S, Jasrotia P, Reza MW, Yadav J and Saharan MS. 2022. Bio-efficacy of some modern insecticides as seed treatment against foliar aphid complex in wheat. Journal of Entomological Research45 (Supplementary): 962-966.(NAAS Ratings:5.89)
- Kumar D, Lal C, Bishnoi SK, Verma RPS and Singh GP. 2022. Biochemical and molecular basis of abiotic stress tolerance in barley Journal of Cereal Research14 (Spl 1):83-95.(NAAS rating: 4.57)
- Kumar D, Verma RPS, Khippal AK, Kharub AS, Singh C and Singh GP. 2022. BK 306: A two-row barley (Hordeum vulgareL) as potential source of higher diastatic power and FAN content for malt barley improvement. Journal of Cereal Research14 (2):175-182.(NAAS rating 4.57)
- Kumar D, Verma RPS, Kumar L, Kumar V and Singh GP. 2022. Identification of promising sources of barley (Hordeum vulgareL) for malt beta-glucanase activity and wort beta-glucan content. Journal of Cereal Research14 (2): 215-218.(NAAS rating 4.57)
- Kumar S, Kashyap PL, Singh I, Jasrotia P and Singh GP. 2022. Field screening and identification of stable resistance sources in wheat germplasm against loose smut disease caused by Ustilago segetumtritici. Journal of Cereal Research 14(1): 76-81. doi:10.25174/2582-2675/2022/119668 (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Kumar S, Priti, Ram S, Gupta OP, Sendhil R, Pandey V and Singh GP. 2022. Identification of wheat genotypes with higher levels of antioxidant properties across environments in India. Journal of Cereal Research14 (3): 308-320 (NAAS rating: 4.57).
- Kumar D, Lal C, BishnoiS,VermaRPS and SinghGP. 2022. Biochemical and molecular basis of abiotic stress tolerance in barley. Journal of Cereal Research 14 (Spl-1): 83-95. http://org/10.25174/2582-2675/2022/120314. (NAAS rating: 4.57).
- Meena BS, Dashora A, Dodyia NS, Kumar D and Verma RPS. 2022. Study of Heterosis for Yield and Grain Quality Traits in Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Ecology, Environment and Conservation 28:S360-S366. (NAAS rating: 5.41).
- Meena RP, Kumar N, Gupta V, Verma A, Tripathi SC, Kumar PR and Singh GP. 2022. Exploring the genetic variability for higher water productivity in wheat crop under moisture stress conditions. Journal of Cereal Research14(Spl-1):144-150.http://doi. org/10.25174/2582-2675/2022 (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Mishra AN, Tiwari KN, Singh VK, Sivasamy M, Pal D, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Prakasha TL, Solanki KS, Phuke RM, Prasad SVS, Mishra CN, Sawashe SG, Narute TK and Singh GP. 2021. Insights into the rust resistance base of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) in India. Indian Phytopathology74(2): 537-548. (NAAS Rating: 5.95)
- Prakash N, Vishunavat K and Prasad P. 2022. Diversity analysis of Alternaria solaniisolates infecting tomato in Uttarakhand, India. Indian Phytopathol. (NAAS Rating: 5.95)
- Prasad P, Bhardwaj SC, Thakur RK, Adhikari S, Gangwar OP, Lata C and Kumar S. 2021. Prospects of climate change effects on crop diseases with particular reference to wheat. Journal of Cereal Research13 (2): 117-134. doi: 10.25174/2582-675/2021/112817. (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Sendhil R, Cariappa, AGA, Ramasundaram P, Gupta V, Gopalareddy K, Gupta, OP, Kumar A, Singh S, and Singh GP. 2022. Biofortification in Wheat: Research Progress, Potential Impact, and Policy Imperatives. (April 20, 2022). Available at SSRN:
- Thakur RK and Prasad P. 2021. Synthesis of gold nanoparticles and assessment of in vitro toxicity against plant pathogens. Indian Phytopathologydoi: 10.1007/s42360-021-00444-x. (NAAS Rating: 5.95)
- Uchoi D, Kishore P, Kumar A, Nadella RK, Panda SK, and Zynudheen AA. 2022. Prevailing challenges in Processing of Fermented Fishery product ‘Shidal’in Tripura, India and Solutions. Fishery Technology 59(22): 26-32 (NAAS Rating: 5.82).
- Verma A, Verma RPS, Singh J, Kumar L, Singh GP. (2021). Performance of feed barley genotypes assessed by AMMI mixed with BLUP for North western Plains Zone of the India. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics7(2):74-85. (NAAS Rating: 4.88).
- Verma, A., Verma, R.P.S., Singh, J., Kumar, L., & Singh, G.P.(2022). AMMI appended with BLUP to assess the superiority of hullessbarleygenotypesevaluated under coordinatedsystem of the country.International Journal of Plant&SoilScience, 48-61. (NAAS Rating: 5.07).
Research Papers (2021)
- Adhikari S, Joshi A, Kumar A and Singh NK. 2021.Diversification of maize (Zea mays L.) through teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis lltis & Doebley) allelic introgression . Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 68:2983-2995 (NAAS rating: 7.52)
- Adhikari S, Joshi A, Kumar A, Singh NK, Jaiswal JP and Jeena AS. 2021. Revealing the genetic diversity of teosinte introgressed maize population by morphometric traits and microsatellite markers. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
- Adhikari S, Joshi A, Kumar A, Singh NK, Jaiswal JP, Jeena AS and Pant U. 2021. Identification of QTLs for yield and contributing traits in maize-teosinte derived bills under diseased-stressed and control conditions. Genetika 53(3):951-972. (NAAS rating:6.76)
- Ahlawat OP, Chugh T, Venkatesh K, Tiwari R, Sharma P, Sheoran S, Singh R, Mamrutha HM, Arora NK, Singh Gand Singh GP. 2021. Response of contrasting bread wheat genotypes for heat and drought stress tolerance for rhizospheric soil properties. Journal of Environmental Biology 42:1298-1306.(NAAS rating: 6.781)
- Bhardwaj SC, Kumar S, Gangwar OP, Prasad P, Kashyap PL, Khan H, Savadi S, Singh GP, Gupta N and Thakur R. 2021. Physiologic specialization and genetic differentiation of Puccinia triticina causing leaf rust of wheat on the indian subcontinent during 2016 to 2019. Plant Disease 105(7):1992-2000.(NAAS rating: 10.44)
- Bishnoi SK, Kumar S and Singh G.P. 2021.The re-emerging Karnal bunt disease of wheat and preparedness of the global wheat sector Current Science 120(12):1814-1817(NAAS rating: 6.73)
- Bishnoi SK, Kumar S and Singh G.P. 2021. Wheat blast readiness of the Indian wheat sector Current Science 120(2):262-263 (NAAS rating: 6.73)
- Cariappa AGA, Acharya KK, Adhav CA, Sendhil R and Ramasundaram P. 2021. COVID-19 induced lockdown effects on agricultural commodity prices and consumer behaviour in India – Implications for food loss and waste management. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor 4.149)
- Cariappa AGA, Acharya KK, Adhav CA, Sendhil R and Ramasundaram P. 2021. Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian agricultural system: A 10-point strategy for post-pandemic recovery. Outlook on Agriculture 50(1):26-33. 0030727021989060.(NAAS Rating: 7.88)
- Chakravarty R, K Ponnusamy and Sendhil R. 2021. Prioritization of climate induced gender specific vulnerability issues in crop and dairy enterprises. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 91 (7): 577-581. (NAASRating: 6.32)
- ChandraP,KhobraR, SundhaP, Sharma RK,Jasrotia P, Chandra A, Singh DP and Singh GP. 2021. Plant growth promoting Bacillus-based bio formulations improve wheat rhizosphere biological activity, nutrient uptake and growth of the plant. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 43 (11):1-12.(NAAS Rating: 8.35)
- Devi K, Chahal S, Singh S, Venkatesh K, Mamrutha HM, Raghav N, Singh G, Singh GP and Tiwari R. 2021. Assessment of wheat genotypes based on various indices under different heat stress onditions. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 81:376-382. NAAS Rating: 6.51)
- Dhiman P, Rajora N, Bhardwaj S, Sudhakaran S, Kumar A, Raturi G, Chakraborty K, Gupta OP, Devanna BN, Tripathi DK and Deshmukh R. 2021. Fascinating role ofsilicon to combat salinity stress in plants: An updated overview. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 162: 110-123. (NAAS Rating: 10.27)
- Gangwar OP, Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Prasad P,Kashyap PL, Khan H, Singh GP and Savadi S. 2021. Virulence and molecular diversity among Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici pathotypes identified in India between 2015 and 2019. Crop Protection 148(4):105717.(NAAS Rating:8.57)
- Gautam AK, Avasthi S, Verma RK, Devadatha B, Jayawardena RS, Sushma, Ranadive KR, Kashyap PL, Bhadauria R, Prasher IB, Sharma VK, Niranjan M and Jeewon R. 2021. Indian Pucciniales: taxonomic outline with important descriptive notes. Mycosphere 12 (1):89-162. ( NAAS Rating: 10.21)
- Gautam T, Kumar K, Agarwal P, Tyagi S, Jaiswal V, Gahlaut V, Kumar S, Prasad P, Chhuneja P, Balyan HS and Gupta PK. 2021. Development of white- grained PHS-tolerant wheats with high grain protein and leaf rust resistance. Molecular Breeding 41:42. (NAAS Rating: 8.59)
- Gopalareddy K, Nagenahalli DR, Sehgal D, Ahlawat AK, Singh SK, Singh SK, Shukla RB, Jaiswal JP, Solanki | S, Singh GP and Singh AM. 2021. Identification of Novel Genomic regions for biofortification traits using an SNP marker- enriched linkage map in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Nutrition 8:669444. (NAAS Rating: 12.58)
- Gopalareddy K, Tyagi BS, Singh SK,Mamrutha HM, Satish Kumar1, Mishra CN, Khan H, GangadharaK, Uday G, Singh G and Singh GP. 2021. Integrated genomic selection for rapid improvement of crops. Genomics 113: 1070-1086. (NAAS Rating: 11.74)
- Govindharaj GPP, Gowda B, Sendhil R, Adak T, Raghu S, Patil N, Mahendiran A, Rath PC, Kumar GAK and Damalas CA. 2021. Determinants of rice ICAR-IIWBR ANNUAL REPORT 2021 farmers’ intention to use pesticides in eastern India: Application of an extended version of the planned behavior theory. Sustainable Production and Consumption 26:814-823. (NAAS Rating: 11.03)
- Gupta OP, Pandey V, Saini R, Khandale T, Singh A, Malik VK, Narwal S, Ram S and Singh GP. 2021. Comparative physiological, biochemical and transcriptomic analysis of hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum L.) roots and shoots identifies potential pathways and their molecular regulatory network during Fe and Zn starvation.Genomics113(5): 3357-3372.(NAAS Rating: 11.74)
- Gyawali S, Mamidi S, Chao S, Bhardwaj SC, Shekhawat PS, Selvakumar R, Gangwar OP and Verma RPS. 2021. Genome-wide association studies revealed novel stripe rust resistance QTL in barley at seedling and adult-plant stages. Euphytica217:3. (NAAS Rating:7.90)
- Jain N, Batra R, Saripalli G, Sinha N, Rani S, Sharma JB, Gautam T, Prasad P, Balyan HS and Gupta PK. 2021. Methylome changes during Lr48-mediated APR for leaf rust in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 16: 101726. (NAAS Rating: 8.75)
- Jasrotia P, Bhardwaj AK, Katare S, Yadav J, Kashyap PL, Kumar S and Singh GP. 2021. Tillage Intensity influences insect-pest and predator dynamics of wheat crop grown under different conservation agriculture practices in rice-wheat cropping system of Indo-Gangetic Plain. Agronomy 11(6): 1087.(NAAS Rating: 9.42)
- Joshi A, Adhikari S and Singh NK. 2021a. Mapping genomic regions for red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) resistance in teosinte (Zea mays L. subsp. parviglumis H. H. lltis & Doebley) derived maize backcross inbred line population. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution 68(4):1529- 1544.(NAASRating:7.52)
- Joshi A, Adhikari S and Singh NK. 2021b. Genetic diversity in interspecific hybridization derived advanced maize inbred lines. Maydica 66(1):1-15.(NAAS Rating: 6.54)
- Khan MK, Pandey A, Hamurcu M, Gezgin S, AtharT, Rajput VD, Gupta OP and Minkina T. 2021. Insight into the prospects for nanotechnology in wheat biofortification. Biology 10(11):112. (NAAS Rating: 11.08)
- Kiran K, Rawal HC, Dubey H, Jaswal R,Bhardwaj SC, Deshmukh Rand Sharma TR. 2021. Genome-wide analysis of four pathotypes of wheat rust pathogen (Puccinia graminis) reveals structural variations and diversifying selection. Journal of Fungi7:701.(NAAS Rating: 11.82)
- Kiran Kumara TM, Sendhil R, Kandpal A and RajuR. 2021. An Insight into Wage Dynamics and Inequality Scenario under Changing Landscape of Rural India. Indian Journal of Economics and Development 17 (4):717-730.(NAAS Rating: 5.15)
- Kumar N, Chhokar RS, Meena RP, Kharub AS, Gill SC, Tripathi SC, Gupta OP, Mangrauthia SK, Sundaram RM, Sawant CP, Gupta A, Naorem A, Kumar M and Singh GP. 2021. Challenges and opportunities in productivity and sustainability of rice cultivation system: a critical review in Indian perspective. Cereal Research Communications, Rating: 6.85)
- Kumar P, Gupta V, Singh G, Singh C, Tyagi BS and Singh GP. 2021. Assessment of terminal heat tolerance based on agro-morphological and stress selection indices in wheat. Cereal Research Communications 49:217-226. (NAAS Rating: 6.85)
- Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Sharma A, Naeela Q Kumaran VK, Khan H, Prasad P, Miah H, Singh GP, Sharma K, Verma H, Forrest KL, Trethowan RM, Bariana HS, and Bansal UK. 2021. Lr80: A new and widely effective source of leaf rust resistance of wheat for enhancing diversity of resistance among modern cultivars. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134(3):849-858.(NAAS Rating: 11.70)
- Kumar S, Gupta V, Yadav SS, Mamrutha HM, Singh SK, Chatrath R and Singh GP. 2021. Multivariate analysis in wheat germplasm captures variability for agro-morphological and physiological traits. Indian Journal ofAgricultural Sciences 91(9): 1322- 1327 (NAAS Rating: 6.37).
- Kumar S, Kashyap PL, Mahapatra S, Jasrotia P and Singh G.P. 2021. New and emerging technologies for detecting Magnaporthe oryzae causing blast disease in crop plants. Crop Protection 143, 105473.(NAAS Rating: 8.57).
- Kumari P, Bishnoi SK and Chandra S. 2021. Assessment of antibiosis potential of Bacillus sp. against the soil-borne fungal pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. Athelia rolfsii (Curzi) Tu & Kimbrough) Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 31: 17 Rating:6.76)
- Kumar R, Gupta A and Verma K. 2021. Studies on seed longevity of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under ambient storage conditions. Legume Research, (NAAS Rating: 6.59)
- Kumar R, Gupta A, Verma K and Singh A. 2021. Effect of seed treatments and storage period on seed health parameters of pea (Pisum sativum L.) under ambient storage conditions. Legume Research , ( NAAS Rating:6.59)
- Kushwaha P, Srivastava R, Pandiyan K, Singh A, Chakdar H, Kashyap PL, Bhardwaj AK, Murugan K, Karthikeyan N, Bagul SY, Srivastava AK and Saxena AK. 2021. Enhancement in plant growth and zinc biofortification of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by Bacillus altitudinis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 21 (2):922-935.( NAAS Rating: 9.87)
- Lata C, Kumar A, Gangwar OP, Prasad P, Adhikari S, Kumar S, Kulshreshtha N and Bhardwaj SC. 2021.Multiplex PCR assay for the detection of Lr24 and Lr68 in salt tolerant wheat genotypes. Cereal Research Communications, Rating: 6.85)
- Mahida DP, Sendhil R and Ramasundaram P. 2021. Millennium to the sustainable development goals: Changes and pathways for India. Business Strategy and Development 4(2):136-147. (Thomsom Reuter ImpactFactor 2.27)
- Manjunath C, Sharma S, Kulshreshtha D, Singh K, Bhardwaj SC, Murugasamy S, Sindhu A, Vikas VK and Aggarwal R. 2021. Transcriptome profiling and differential gene expression analysis provides insights into Lr24 based resistance in wheat against Puccinia triticina. 3 Biotech 11: 455. Rating: 8.41)
- Mishra S, Sharma P, Singh R, Tiwari R and Singh GP. 2021. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of sucrosenonfermenting-1-related protein kinase (SnRK) genes in Triticum aestivumin response to abiotic stress. Scientific Reports 11: 22477. 10.38)
- Nath P, Dukare A, Kumar S, Kale S and Kannaujia P 2021. Black carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) anthocyanin-infused potato chips: Effect on bioactive composition, color attributes, cooking quality, and microbial stability. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, (NAASRating:8.19)
- Patial M, Chaudhary HK, Sharma N, Gangwar OP, Kishore N, Pal D, Pramanick KK, Bhardwaj SC and Chauhan R.021. Developing genetic stock for yellow and brown rust resistance in Triticum aestivum L. via Imperata cylindrica-mediated doubled haploidy technique. Cereal Research Communications, Rating: 6.85)
- Puli-Reddy CO, Zheng Y, Li Y, Jagadeeswaran G, Suo A, Jiang B, Sharma P, Mann R, Ganesan G,Gogoi N, Kakani VG, Barakat A and Sunkar R. 2021. microRNAs profiling in Sorghum exposed to ICAR-IIWBR ANNUAL REPORT 2021 1n7 V/individual and combined abiotic stresses. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 30:848-861. Rating: 7.38)
- Sendhil R, Singh R, Kumar A, Chand R, Pandey JK, Singh R, Singh R, Kharub AS and Verma RPS. 2021.Determinants of Contract Farming in Barley Production — A Regression Tree Approach. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91(3):402-407. (NAAS Rating: 6.37)
- Sendhil R, Singh R, KumarA, ChandR, Pandey JK, Singh R, Singh R, Kharu B A Sand Verma RPS. 2021. Determinants of contract farming in barley production – regression tree approach. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91(3):402-407. (NAAS Rating: 6.37)
- Sharma P, Gupta OP, Gupta V, Singh G and Singh GP. 2021. Differential expression profiling of microRNAs and their target genes during wheat- Bipolaris sorokiniana pathosystem. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 27: 2567-2577. (NAAS Rating: 8.39)
- Sharma SK, Gupta OP, Pathaw N, Sharma D, Maibam A, Sharma P, Sanasam J, Karkute SG, Kumar S and Bhattacharjee B. 2021. CRISPR-Cas- led revolution in diagnosis and management of emerging plant viruses: New Avenues Toward Food and Nutritional Security. Frontiers in Nutrition 8:751512. 89/fnut.2021.751512. (NAASRating: 12.58).
- Singh DK, Pandey A, Choudhary SB, Kumar S, Tribhuvan KU, Mishra DC, Bhati J, Kumar M, Tomar JB, Bishnoi, SK Mallick, MA,BhadanaVP, SharmaTR, PattanayaAk and Singh BK. 2021. Development of genic-SSR markers and their application in revealing genetic diversity and population structure in an Eastern and North-Eastern Indian collection of Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.). Ecological Indicators 131:108143. (NAAS Rating: 10.23)
- Singroha G, Sharma P and Sunkar R. 2021. Current status of microRNAs mediated regulation under drought stress tolerance in plants. Physiologia Plantarum172: 1808-1821. 10.59)
- Sinha M, Sendhil R, Chandel BS, Malhotra R, Singh A, Jha SK and Sankhala G. 2021. Are multidimensional poor more vulnerable to climate change? Evidence from rural bihar, India. Social Indicators Research, Reuters Impact Factor 1.874)
- Srivastava AK, Kashyap PL, Santoyo G, and Newcombe G. 2021. Editorial: Plant Microbiome:Interactions, Mechanisms of Action, and Applications. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 706049. (NAAS Rating: 11.64)
- Thakur A, Ray P, Acharya KK, Das A, Jaiswal R, Ravishankar U, Raju R and Sendhil R. 2021. Price dynamics in Indian wholesale wheat markets: Insights and implications. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91(8):1219-1225. (NAAS Rating:6.37)
- Yadav J, Jasrotia P, Kashyap PL, Bhardwaj AK, Kumar S, Singh M and Singh GP. 2021.Nanopesticides: Current status and scope for their application in agriculture. Plant Protection Science 58(1):1-17(NAAS Rating: 7.50)
- Adhikari S, Joshi A, Kumar A, Singh NK, Jaiswal JP, Jeena AS, Singh RP and Pandey D. 2021.Identification of QTL for banded leaf and sheath blight in teosinte derived maize population. Agriculture Research, (NAAS rating: 5.95)
- Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Prasad P, Kumar S, and Pal D. 2021. Immunity to rusts in wheat: theory, fact and practice. Indian Phytopathology 74 (2):355-363 (NAAS rating: 5.95)
- Biswas S, Verma A, Sendhil R, Dixit AK, Singh A and Ponnusamy K. 2021. Impact of Climate Change on Milk Production and Perceptions of Farmers in the West Bengal. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 39(11):533-540. (NAAS Rating: 4.86)
- Chakravarty R, Ponnusamy K and Sendhil R. 2021. Micro-level evaluation of socio-technological interventions to address climate change-induced stresses in dairy enterprises. Indian Journal of Dairy Science 74(5):449-454.(NAAS Rating: 5.95)
- Das A, R Raju, Siddayya and R Sendhil R. 2021.Export of tea from India in the post-WTO era: performance and determinants. Indian Journal of Economics and Development 17 (3): 519-526. (NAAS Rating: 5.15)
- Gautam AK, Avasthi S, Verma RK, Devadatha B, Sushma, Ranadive KR, Bhadauria R, Prasher IB and Kashyap PL. 2021. Current status of research on rust fungi (Pucciniales) in India. Asian Journal of Mycology 4 (1): 40-80.
- Gautam AK, Verma RK, Avasthi S, Sushma, Devadatha B, Thakur S, Kashyap PL, Prasher IB, Bhadauria R, Niranjan M and Ranadive KR. 2021. Smut fungi: a compendium of their diversity and distribution in India. MycoAsia 2021/01. in-india/
- Joshi DC, Sood S, Gupta A, Khulbe RK, Pandey BM, Pal RS, Bhinda MS and Kant L. 2021. VL Mandua 382: The first early maturing, white seeded finger millet cultivar suitable for rainfed organic agro-ecology of the Himalayan region. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 12(4):1308-1313. (NAAS Rating:5.11)
- Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Aggarwal SK, Kaul N, Jasrotia P, Gupta A and Singh GP. 2021. Resistance inducers and their role in reinforcing wheat defense system against fungal pathogens. Journal of Cereal Research13(3):229-254.(NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Katare S, Jasrotia P, Yadav J and Saharan MS. 2021. Efficacy of Sulfoxaflor 12% SC against Aphids Complex and Coccinella septempunctata L. in Wheat. Indian Journal of Entomology, (NAAS Rating:5.08)
- Khan H, Gangwar OP, Bhardwaj SC, Prasad P, Parkash O, Mishra CN, Kumar R, Gopalareddy K, Kumar S, Yadav SS and Kashyap PL. 2021. Identification of multiple rust resistant bread wheat genotypes. Journal ofCereal Research 13(1):89-93.(NAAS Rating: 4.57
- Guru Dayal, Sharma AK, Mishra CN, Kamble UR, Kumar R and Gaurav SS. 2021. Mechanical seed processing improves the seed quality and reduces Karnal Bunt in seed lots of wheat cultivars. Journal ofCereal Research 13 (Spl-1):51-56.( NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Kumar A, Swati, Adhikari S, Joshi A, Kumar L, Bharati A, Prasad B and Kumar A. 2021. Heterotic performance of morpho-physiological traits for heat tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Biological Forum 13(3b): 16-24 (NAAS Rating: 5.11)
- Kumar D, Narwal S, Verma RPS and Singh GP. 2021. Status of phytic acid content in Indian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties and its correlation with other grain parameters. Journal of Cereal Research13:317-322 (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Kumar D, Verma RPS, Kharub AS and Singh GP. 2021. Industrial evaluation for malting quality of Indian barley varieties. Journal of Cereal Research 13:323-327 (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Kumar D, Verma RPS, Narwal S, Singh J, Malik R, Kharub AS and Singh GP. 2021. Identification of promising sources of hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for important quality traits. Journal of Cereal Research 13 (2): 215-219. (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Kumar Y, Sehrawat KD, Singh J and Sehrawat S. 2021. Identification of promising barley genotypes based on morphological genetic diversity. Journal of Cereal Research 13(1): 79-88. (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Kushwaha P and Kashyap PL. 2021. A Review of Advances in Bioremediation of Heavy Metals by Microbes and Plants. Journal of Natural Resource Conservation and Management 2(1). 65-80.
- Mishra AN, Tiwari KN, Singh VK, Sivasamy M, Pal D, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, PrakashaTL, Solanki KS, Phuke RM, Prasad SVS, Mishra CN, Sawashe SG, Narute TK and Singh GP. 2021. Insights into the rust resistance base of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in India. Indian Phytopathology 74(2): 537-548.(NAAS Rating: 5.95)
- Mishra, CN, Kamble U, Jasrotia P, Singh G and Singh GP. 2021. Promotion of Resistant Varieties of Wheat and Disease Monitoring for Enhanced Productivity. AgroScience Today 2(2):85-88.
- Mohapatra S, Sendhil R, Singh Ajmer , Dixit AK, Malhotra R and Ponnusamy K. 2021. Milk production in Haryana: An economic analysis. Indian Journal of Dairy Science 74(2): 159-166. Rating: 5.95)
- Nyika J, Mackolil J, Workie E, Adhav C and Sendhil R. 2021. Cellular Agriculture Research Progress and Prospects: Insights from Bibliometric Analysis. Current Research in Biotechnology 3:215-224.
- Pal D, Bhardwaj SC, Khan H, Patial M, Yadav RN, Sharma P and Kumari S. 2021. Detection of Lr19/5r25 in segregating populations of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using robust molecular markers. Journal ofCereal Research 13(2): 149-156.(NAAS Rating:4.57)
- Prakash A, Verma A, Malhotra R, Sendhil R. 2021.Measurement of Technical and Scale Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Pune District of Maharashtra: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Indian Journal of Economics and Development 17 (4): 840- 846.(NAAS Rating: 5.15)
- Prasad P, Bhardwaj SC, Thakur RK, Adhikari S, Gangwar OP, Lata C and Kumar S. 2021. Prospects of climate change effects on crop diseases with particular reference to wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 13(2):117-134.(NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Sharma R, Kumar S, Singh SK, Sharma P and Singh GP. 2021. Genetic diversity among drought tolerant wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes as assessed by SSR markers. Journal of Cereal Research 13: 204-209. Rating:4.57)
- Singh C, Kamble UR, Gupta V, Singh G, Sheoran S,Gupta A, Tyagi BS, Kumar P, Mishra CN, Gopalareddy K, Bishnoi SK, Sharma AK, Kumar S and Singh GP. 2021. Pre-harvest sprouting in wheat: Current status and future prospects. Journal of Cereal Research 13: (Spl Issue 1): 1-22. (NAAS Rating:4.57).
- Singh J, Kumar S, Gangwar OP, Kumar D, Lal C, Kumar L, Kharub AS, Singh GP2021. DWRB207 (DWRFB19) (IC0635698; INGR20019), a barley (Hordeum vulgare) germplasm highly resistant to stripe rust, high 1000 grain weight, and low protein content. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 34(2):305-373(NAAS Rating: 5.54)
- Singroha G, Shefali, Kumar S, Singh SK, Singh G, Singh GP and Sharma P. 2021. Validation of molecular markers linked with QTLs for heat and drought stress tolerance in wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 12:809-816. 2675/2020/107204. (NAAS Rating:4.57)
- Sinha M and Sendhil R. 2021. Correlates of multidimensional poverty in rural Bihar. Agricultural Economics Research Review 34 (3): 51-57.(NAAS Rating 5.84)
- Thakur A, Dixit AK, Sharma AK, Kumar S, Sendhil R and Singh AK. 2021. Adoption of food safety practices in theinformal milk processing units of Haryana,India—- A value chain approach. Indian Journal of Dairy Science 74(6):1-7.(NAAS Rating: 5.95)
- Verma A, Verma RPS, Singh J, Kumar L and Singh GP. 2021. Feed barley genotypes evaluated for adaptability under multi-environment field trials of North Eastern Plains Zone of the country. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 10 (5): 258-271.
- Verma A, Verma RPS, Singh J, Kumar L and Singh GP. 2021. Performance of feed barley genotypes assessed by AMMI mixed with BLUP for North western Plains Zone of the India. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 7(2):74-85. (NAAS Rating:4.88)
- Vikas VK, Sivasamy M, Jayaprakash P, Prasad P,Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Murugan G, Rebekah N, Paneer S and Peter J. 2021. Marker assisted pyramiding of stem rust, leaf rust and powdery mildew resistance genes for durable resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Cereal Research 13(1):38-48 (NAAS Rating: 4.57)
- Yashavanthakumar KJ, BaviskarVsS, NavatheSS, Patil RM,. Bagwan JH,.Bankar DN, Gite VD, Gopalareddy K, Mishra CN, Mamrutha HM, Singh SK, Desai SA and Singh GP. 2021. Impact of heat and drought stress on phenological development and yield in bread wheat. Plant Physiology Reports 26(2):357- 367. (NAASRating: 5.50)
Research Papers (2020)
- Ahlawat OP and Kaur H. 2020. Evaluation of hybrids and single spore isolates of paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) (Bull.) Singer for fruiting body yield and nutritional quality. Journal of Environmental Biology 41: 727-734
- Babu P, Baranwal DK, Harikrishna, Pal D, Bharti H,Joshi P, Thiyagarajan B, Gaikwad KB, Bhardwaj SC,Singh GP and Singh A. 2020. Application of genomics tools in wheat Breeding to attain durable Rust Resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science11: 567147
- Balaganesh G, Malhotra R, Sendhil R, Sirohi S, Maiti S, Ponnusamy K and Sharma A. 2020. Development of composite vulnerability index and district level mapping of climate change induced drought in Tamil Nadu, India. Ecological Indicators 113: 106197
- Bharath C, Biradar SS, Naik VR, Uday G, Desai SA,Mahalaxmi KP, Lamani KD and Ram S. 2020.Investigation on heterosis for grain micronutrients Zn, Fe and identifying heterotic single cross hybrids in tetraploid wheat. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9(5): 834-839
- Bishnoi SK, He X, Phuke RM, Kashyap PL, Alakonya A, Chhokkar V, Singh RP and Singh PK. 2020. Karnal bunt: A re-emerging old foe of wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 1486
- Cariappa AGA, Kathayat B, Karthiga S and Sendhil R. 2020. Price analysis and forecasting for decision making: Insights from wheat markets in India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90(5): 979-984
- Chhokar RS, Sharma RK, Gill SC and Singh GP. 2020. T a n k – mix application of p -Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibiting herbicide (Mesotrione, Tembotrione or Topramezone) with Atrazine improves weed control in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Research in Weed Science 3(4): 556-581
- Choudhary P, Rai P, Yadav J, Verma S, Chakdar H,Goswami SK, Srivastava AK, Kashyap PL and Saxena AK. 2020. A rapid colorimetric LAMP assay for detection of Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA causing sheath blight of rice. Scientic Reports 10: 22022
- Dashora A, Urmila, Gupta A and Khatik CL. 2020. Assessment of genetic variability and correlation for yield and its components traits in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 9(6): 548-554
- Dubey H, Kiran K, Jaswal R, Bhardwaj SC, Mandal TK, Jain N, Singh NK, Kayastha AM and Sharma TR. 2020. Identication and characterization of dicer-like genes in leaf rust pathogen (Puccinia triticina) of wheat. Functional and Integrative Genomics 20: 711-721
- Fyroj, Biradar SS, Desai SA, Rudra Naik V, Mahalaxmi K P, Lakkanagoudar S and Sewa Ram. 2020. Triticum dicoccum Schubler wheat: A potential source for wheat bio-fortication program. International Journal of Chemical Studies,
- Gangwar OP, Kumar S, Bhardwaj SC, Kashyap PL,Prasad P and Khan H. 2019. Characterization of three new Yr9-virulences and identication of sources of resistance among recently developed Indian bread wheat germplasm. Journal of Plant Pathology 101(4): 955-963
- Gupta OP, Pandey V, Saini R, Narwal S, Malik VK, Khandale T, Ram Sand Singh GP. 2020 .Transcriptomic dataset reveals the molecular basis of genotypic variation in hexaploid wheat (T.aestivum L.) in response to Fe/Zn deciency. Data- In-Brief,
- Gupta OP, Pandey V, Saini R, Narwal S, Malik VK,Tushar K, Sewa Ram and Singh GP. 2020. Identifying transcripts associated with efficient transport and accumulation of Fe and Zn in hexaploid wheat (T.aestivum L . ) . Journal of Biotechnology ,
- Gyawali S, Amezrou A, Verma RPS, Bruggeman, R,Rehman S, Belqadi L, Mustapha A, Tamang P and Singh M. 2020. Seedling and adult stage resistance to net form of net blotch (NFNB) in spring barley and stability of adult stage resistance to NFNB in Morocco. Journal of Phytopathology 168: 254–266
- Jasrotia P, Jadon KS, Singh SK, Nataraj MV, Haris G,Dutt R and Savaliya SD. 2020. Development and validation of IPM modules against major sucking insect-pests of groundnut. Legume Research 43:592-597
- Juliana P, Singh RP, Huerta-Espino J, Bhavani S,Randhawa MS, Kumar U, Joshi AK, Bhati PK, Mir HEV,Mishra CN and Singh GP. 2020. Genome-wide mapping and allelic ngerprinting provide insights into the genetics of resistance to wheat stripe rust in India, Kenya and Mexico. Scientic Reports 10:10908
- Kamboj D, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Srivastav P, Singh G and Singh GP. 2020. Marker assisted breeding in cereals: Progress made and challenges in India.Journal of Cereal Research 12(2): 85-102.
- Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Kumar RS, Sharma A, Jasrotia P, Singh DP and Singh GP. 2020. Molecular diagnostic assay for rapid detection of ag smut fungus (Urocystis agropyri) in wheat plants and eldsoil. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 1039.
- Kashyap PL, Kumar S, Kumar RS, Tripathi R, Sharma P, Sharma A, Jasrotia P and Singh GP. 2020.Identication of novel microsatellite markers to assess the population structure and genetic differentiation of Ustilago hordei causing covered smut of barley. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 2929
- Kashyap PL, Solanki MK, Prity K, Kumar S and Srivastava AK. 2020. Biocontrol potential of salt-tolerant Trichoderma and Hypocrea isolates for the management of tomato root rot under saline environment. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20 (1): 160-176
- Khan H, Chatrath R, Kumar S, Mishra CN, Gupta V, Mamrutha HM, Jasrotia P, Bhardwaj SC, Kashyap PL,Gangwar OP, Kumar R, Prakash O, Lal M and Singh GP. 2020. Development and evaluation of high yielding, multiple disease resistant bread wheat variety-Karan Vandana (DBW187). Journal of Cereal Research 12(1): 44-49
- Khobra R, HM Mamrutha, Venkatesh K, Mishra CN,Meena RP, Singh SK and Singh GP. 2020. Exogenous melatonin improves seedling vigour and drought tolerance in wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 12(3):334-337
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- Kumar D, Kumar A, Chhokar V, Gangwar OP,Bhardwaj SC, Sivasamy M, Prasad SVS, Prakasha TL,Khan H, Singh R, Sharma P, Sheoran S, Iquebal MA,Jaiswal S, Angadi UB, Singh G, Rai A, Singh GP,Kumar D and Tiwari R. 2020. Genome-wide association studies in diverse spring wheat panel for stripe, stem, and leaf rust resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science11: 748
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Research Papers (2019)
- Ahlawat OP and Kaur H. 2019. Re-use of AgaricusbisporusSpent Compost for Commercial Scale Compost Making of the Succeeding Crop of bisporus. International Journal Current Microbiology Applied Science 8(11): 177-186
- Arya L, Verma M, Singh SK and Verma RPS. 2019. Spatio-temporal genetic diversity in Indian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties based on SSR markers. Indian Journal of experimental biology 57: 545-552.
- Balaganesh G, Makarabbi G and Sendhil R. 2019. Tracking the Performance of Wheat Production in Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Economics and Development 15(2): 216-224.
- Bhardwaj SC and Singh GP. 2019. Tackling wheat rusts through resistance – success, challenges and preparedness. Current Science 116(12): 1953-54.
- Chhokar RS, Sharma RK, Gill SC and Singh GP. 2019. Flumioxazin and flufenacet as possible options for the control of multiple herbicide-resistant little seed canary grass (Phalaris minor) in wheat. Weeds–Journal of Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society 1 (2): 45-60.
- Chhokar RS, Sharma RK, Gill SC and Singh RK. 2019. Mesotrione and atrazine combination to control diverse weed flora in maize (Zea mays ). Indian Journal of Weed Science 51(2): 145-150.
- Chhokar RS, Sharma RK, Gill SC and Singh RK. 2019. Broad spectrum weed control in wheat with pyroxsulam and its tank mix combination with sulfosulfuron. Journal of Cereal Research 11(1): 27-36.
- Dharam P, Bhardwaj SC, Madhu P, Subodh K, Gangwar OP, Pratima S and Prabhu KV. 2019. Transfer of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr19 and Yr15 in to a susceptible wheat cultivar HS295. Indian J. Genet. and Plant Breeding 79(3): 618-621.
- Fana G, Tadese D, HiwotSebsibe, H and Verma RPS. 2019. Multi-environment trial analysis of food barley in the AMMI and GGE biplot methods J. Plant Breed. Genet. 06 (03): 75-85.
- Gangwar OP, Subodh K, Bhardwaj SC, Kashyap PL, Prasad P and Hanif K. 2019. Characterization of three new Yr9virulences and identification of sources of resistance among recently developed bread wheat germplasm. Journal of Plant Pathology 101(4): 955-963.
- Gill SC, Sharma RK, Tripathi SC, Chhokar RS, Meena RP and Jha A. 2019. Nitrogen top dressing just before irrigation improves wheat growth, productivity and nitrogen use efficiency and profitability. Journal of Cereal Research 11(1): 17-22.
- Gupta A, Singh C, Kumar V, Singh Gyanendra and Singh GP. 2019. Special features of newly released wheat and barley varieties for cultivation in India. Journal of Cereal Research 11(2): 168-171.
- Gupta OP, Dahuja A, Sachdev A, Jain PK, Kumari S, Vinutha T and Praveen S. 2019. Cytosine Methylation of Isoflavone Synthase Gene in the Genic Region Positively Regulates Its Expression and Isoflavone Biosynthesis in Soybean Seeds. DNA and Cell Biology 38(6): 1-11. doi: 10.1089/dna.2018.4584.
- Gupta OP, Dahuja A, Sachdev A, Kumari S, Jain PK, Vinutha T and Praveen S. 2019. Conserved miRNAs modulate the expression of potential transcription factors of isofavonoid biosynthetic pathway in soybean seeds. Molecular Biology Reports
- Gupta OP, Kaur A, Sheoran S, Tiwari R, Singh R, Singh SK, Ahlawat OP, Singh GP and Sharma P. 2019. Expression analysis of stress responsive transcription factors under heat, drought and salinity tolerance in wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 11(1): 44-47
- Gupta OP, Kaur A, Sheoran S, Tiwari R, Singh R, Singh SK, Ahlawat OP, Singh GP and Sharma P. 2019. Expression analysis of stress responsive transcription factors under heat, drought and salinity tolerance in wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 11(1): 44-47. org/10.25174/2249-4065/2019/87420.
- Gupta V, He X, Kumar N, Fuentes-Davila G, Sharma RK, Dreisigacker S, Juliana P, Ataei N, Singh PK. 2019. Genome Wide Association Study of Karnal Bunt Resistance in a Wheat Germplasm Collection from Afghanistan. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20: 3124.
- Gyawali S, Amezrou R, Verma RPS, Brueggeman R, Rehman S, Belqadi L, Mustapha Arbaoui M,Tamang P and Singh M. 2019. Seedling and adult stage resistance to net form of net blotch (NFNB) in spring barley and stability of adult stage resistance to NFNB in Morocco. Eur J Plant Pathol 153: 475-487.
- Gyawali S, Otte MLJ, Abderrazek DLJ and Verma RPS. 2019. Multiple element concentration in the grain of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) collection. Journal of Plant Nutrition doi: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1589507
- Iquebal MA, Sharma P, Jasrotia RS, Jaiswal S, Kaur A, Saroha M, Angadi UB, Sheoran S, Singh R, Singh GP, Rai A, Tiwari R, and Kumar D. 2019. RNAseq analysis reveals drought-responsive molecular pathways with candidate genes and putative markers associated in root tissue of wheat. Scientific Reports 9:13917.
- Jasrotia P, Katare S and Singh GP. 2019. Evaluation of some botanicals against Sitophilus oryzae(L.) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Fabricius) on stored wheat. Journal of Entomological Research 43(20):15-19.
- Jha A, Nain AS and Ranjan R. 2019. Spectro-meteorological integration for monitoring wheat stripe rust in crop in tarai regions of Uttarakhand. Journal of Agrometeorology 21: 28-33.
- Kale R, Ponnusamy K, Sendhil R, Maiti S, Chandel BS, Jha SK, Mohanty TK and Lal S. 2019. Determinants of Inequality in Dairy Development of India, National Academy Science Letters 42(3): 195-198.
- Kashyap PL, Solanki MK, Kushwaha P, Sudheer Kumar and Srivastava AK. 2019. Biocontrol potential of salt-tolerant Trichoderma and Hypocrea isolates for the management of tomato root rot under saline environment. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
- Kashyap PL, Sudheer Kumar Tripathi R, Kumar RS, Jasrotia P, Singh DP, and Singh GP. 2019. Phylogeography and population structure analysis reveals diversity by gene flow and mutation in Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Roussel tritici causing loose smut of wheat. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10: 1072.
- Kashyap PL, Sudheer Kumar, Tripathi R, Kumar RS, Sharma A, Sharma P, Jasrotia P, Singh DP and Singh GP. 2019. Heat shock protein 60 and glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate dehydrogenase act as a potential biomarker for early detection of Karnal bunt of wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 11: 71-72.
- Kumar D, Chhokar V, Sheoran S, Singh R, Sharma P, Jaiswal S, Iquebal MA, Jaiswar A, Jaisri J, Angadi UB, Rai A, Singh GP, Kumar D. and Tiwari R. 2019. Characterization of genetic diversity and population structure in wheat using array based SNP markers. Molecular Biology Reports. doi:10.1007/s11033-019-05132-8
- Kumar R, Mamrutha HM, Kaur A, Venkatesh K, Sharma D and Singh GP. 2019. Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in spring bread wheat using mature and immature embryos. Molecular Biology Reports 46:1845–1853.
- Kumar S, Kashyap PL, Saharan MS, Singh I, Jasrotia P, Singh DP, and Singh GP. 2019. Difenoconazole: A new seed dressing molecule for effective management of flag smut (Urocystisa gropyri) of wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 11(1): 37-40.
- Kumar Satish, Saharan MS, Panwar Vipin, Chatrath Ravish and Singh GP. 2019. Genetics of Fusarium head blight resistance in three wheat genotypes. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 79(3) 614-617.
- Kumar Satish, Sandhu Geeta, Yadav SS, Pandey Vanita, Prakash Om, Verma Ajay, Bhardwaj SC, Chatrath Ravish and Singh GP. 2019. Agro-morphological and Molecular Assessment of Advanced Wheat Breeding Lines for Grain Yield, Quality and Rust Resistance. Journal of Cereal Research 11(2): 131-139.
- Kumar Satish, Singroha Garima, Bhardwaj SC, Bala Ritu, Saharan MS, Gupta Vikas, Khan Anwar, Mahapatra Sunita, Sivasamy M, Rana Vijay, Mishra CN, Sharma Pradeep, Prakash Om, Verma Ajay, Sharma Indu, Chatrath Ravish and Singh GP. 2019. Multi-environmental evaluation of wheat germplasm identifies donors with multiple fungal disease resistance. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 66:797-808.
- Kumar V, Bhardwaj SC, Kharub AS and Singh GP. 2019. Genetics of stripe rust resistance in two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 79 (2): 503-506.
- Kumar V, Kharub AS, Sudheer Kumar, Dinesh Kumar, Singh GP. 2019. DWRB 176 (IC0624125; INGR17045) a barley (Hordeum vulgare) germplasm with long spikes with more number of grains and resistance to stripe rust. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 32(2): 253.
- Kumar V, Sudheer Kumar, Kharub AS, and Singh GP. 2019. DWRB180 (IC0624126; INGR17046) a barley (Hordeum vulgare) germplasm with resistance to spot blotch. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 32(2): 254.
- Kumar V, Verma RPS, Kharub AS, Singh GP. 2019. DWRB173 (IC0624123; INGR17043), an Extra Early Heading Hooded Barley (Hordeum vulgare) Germplasm. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 32(2): 252.
- Meena RP, Venkatesh K, Sendhil R, Rinki K, Sharma RK, Tripathi SC and Singh GP. 2019. Identification of water use efficient wheat genotypes with high yield for regions of depleting water resources in India. Agricultural Water Management
- Meena RP, Venkatesh K, Tripathi SC, Jha A, Sharma RK and Singh GP. 2019. Irrigation management strategies in wheat for efficient water use in the regions of depleting water resources. Agricultural Water Management. 214:38-46.
- Mishra SK, Chandra R, Rathore M, Ghosh D, Mahesh S and Kumar B. 2019. Screening of weedy rice biotypes for water deficit and salt stress tolerance. Annals of Plant and Soil Research 21(1): 51-57.
- Murali P, Sendhil R, Govindaraj G, Prathap PD, Venkatasubrmanian V and Ram B. 2019. Sugar sector decontrolling and market performance of sugar sector in India vis-a`-vis global market: A cointegration analysis. Sugar Tech 21: 557-568
- Nagar Singh Satnam, Kumar Pradeep, Singh Charan, Gupta Vikas, Singh Gyanendra and Tyagi BS. 2019. Assessment of heterosis and inbreeding depression for grain yield and contributing traits in bread wheat. Journal of Cereal Research 11(2):125-130.
- Pallavi GL, Singh A, Chandel BS, Sendhil R and Lathwal SS. 2019. Evaluation of alternate animal identification techniques and livestock insurance products in Bengaluru rural district of Karnataka. Indian Journal of Economics and Development 6 (9):9.
- Pandey GC, Geetika, Sharma P and Sharma V. 2019. Terminal heat tolerance in wheat: an overview. Journal of Cereal Research 11(1): 1-16
- Parkunan T, Ashutosh M, Sukumar B, Chera JS, Sendhil R, Chandrasekhar B, Kumar A, Sharma R, Kumar S and Sachinandan De. 2019. Antibiotic resistance: A cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude, and practices among veterinarians of Haryana state in India. Veterinary World 12 (2): 258-265.
- Patel D, Ponnusamy K and Sendhil R. 2019. Development and testing of potential indicators for evaluation of dairy production systems. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 89 (11): 1274-1282.
- Prasad P, Siddanna S, Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP and Subodh K. 2019. Rust pathogens effectors: Perspectives in resistance breeding. Planta 250:1-22.
- Rajdeep J, Himanshu D, Kanti K, Pankaj Kumar S, Hukam RC, Bhardwaj SC, Pramod P, Gupta, Naveen and Sharma TR. 2019. Comparative secretome analysis of Indian wheat leaf rust pathogen Puccinia triticina. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89(10): 1688-1692.
- Rajni Devi, Sewa Ram, Veenti Rana, Vipin Kumar Malik, Veena Pandey and Gyanendra Pratap Singh 2019. QTL mapping for salt tolerance associated traits in wheat (Triticumaestivum). Euphytica.
- Ranjan R, Jha A, Latwal A, and Nain AS. 2019. Prospects of bamboo plantation in Uttarakhand using geospatial technology. Journal of Agrometeorology 21: 111-115.
- Sendhil R, Arti, Lal P, Gururaj BM, Jamaludheen A, Chaudhary U and Rathore R. 2019. Price dynamics and extent of integration in Indian wholesale and retail wheat markets.Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 21(3): 517-530.
- Sewa Ram, Rajni Devi, Ram Baran Singh, Sneh Narwal, Bhudeva Singh and Gyanendra Pratap Singh 2019. Identification of codominant marker linked with Glu-D1 double null and its utilization in improving wheat for biscuit making quality. J Cereal Science
- Sharma D, Pandey GC, Mamrutha HM, Singh R, Singh NK, Singh GP, Rane J and Tiwari R. 2019. Genotype-phenotype relationship for high temperature tolerance: Integrated method for minimizing phenotyping constraints in wheat. Crop Science 59: 1-10 (doi:10.2135/cropsci2019.01.0055)
- Singh C, Puja S, Achla S, Harinderjeet K, Sohu VS and Bains NS. 2019. Gpc-B1mediated grain protein enhancement in wheat is compatible with high grain weight at moderated yield thresholds. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 79(2):494-498.
- Singh Charan, Gupta Arun, Gupta Vikas, Kumar Pradeep, Sendhil R, Tyagi BS, Singh Gyanendra, Chatrath R and Singh GP. 2019. Genotype x environment interaction analysis of multi-environment wheat trials in India using AMMI and GGE biplot models. Crop breeding and Applied Biotechnology 19: 309-3018
- Singh GP, Sendhil R and Jasrotia P. 2019. AICRP on Wheat and Barley Salient Achievements and Future Directions, Indian Journal of Fertilizers 15(4): 80-90.
- Singh GP, Sendhil R, Jasrotia P. 2019. AICRP on Wheat and Barley: Salient Achievements and Future Directions. Indian Journal of Fertilizers 15(4): 80-90.
- Singh Gyanendra, Pradeep K, Vikas G, Tyagi BS, Singh Charan, Sharma AK and Singh GP. 2019. Characterizing waterlogging tolerance using multiple selection indices in bread wheat. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Accepted).
- Singh J, Gangwar OP, Kumar S, Shekhawat PS, Kumar D, Kumar V, Kaur J, Pandey MK, Devlash R, Kharub AS and Singh GP (2019). Identification of yellow rust resistance sources in advanced breeding lines of barley (Hordeum vulgare ). Journal of Cereal Research 11(2):159-164.
- Singh J, Kumar D, Kumar V, Khippal A, Verma A, Verma RPS, Kharub AS and Singh GP. 2019. Assessment of genetic variability and diversity for quantitative characters in naked barley (Hordeum vulgarenudum Hook f.). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 32(2): 236-238.
- Solanki MK, Yandigeri MS, Sudheer Kumar, Singh RK and Srivastava AK. 2019. Co-inoculation of different antagonists can enhance the bio control activity against Rhizoctonia solani in tomato. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. doi 10.1007/s10482-019-01290-8.
- Tripathi SC, Gill SC and Meena RP. 2019. Phosphorus skipping effect on productivity, profitability and sustainability of rice-wheat cropping systems in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 65 (8):1134-1146.
- Vaidya S, Bhardwaj SC, Shrestha SM, Manandhar HK, Thapa RB, Mahto BN, Joshi AK. 2019. Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes for Seedling and Adult Plant Resistance to Leaf Rust (Puccinia triticina). Discovery Agriculture 5: 69-78.
- Verma A, Crossa J, Vargas M, Joshi AK and Singh GP. 2019. Adaptability of wheat genotypes under mixed model methodology for north eastern plains zone of the country. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 7(4):468-476.
- Verma A, Kumar V, Kharub AS and Singh GP. 2019. AMMI model to estimate GxE for grain yield of dual purpose barley Genotypes. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8(5): 1-7.
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- Vishwakarma G, Sanyal RP, Saini A, Sahu PK, Singh Patel, RR, Sharma, D, Tiwari R and Das BK. 2019. GLADS: A gel-less approach for detection of STMS markers in wheat and rice. PloS one: 14(11): e0224572. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0224572
Journal Articles (since 2016)
- A Kaur, OP Gupta, NL Meena, A Grewal, P Sharma (2016). Comparative Temporal Expression Analysis of MicroRNAs and Their Target Genes in Contrasting Wheat Genotypes During Osmotic Stress. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-14.
- Anil Khippal, Samar Singh, Meharchand, Rajender Sheokand, Jasbir Singh and Ramesh Verma. (2016). Mechanized and profitable intercropping of legumes in autumn planted sugarcane. Legume Research, 39 (3) 2016: 411-418.
- Ajar Nath Yadav, Priyanka Verma, Murugan Kumar, Kamal K Pal, Rinku Dey, Alka Gupta, Jasdeep Chatrath Padaria, Govind T Gujar, Sudheer Kumar, Archna Suman, Radha Prasanna, Anil K Saxena. 2014 Diversity and phylogenetic profiling of niche-specific Bacilli from extreme environments of India. Annals of Microbiology. DOI 10.1007/s13213-014-0897-9
- Alistair Pask, A.K. Joshi, Y. Manès, I. Sharma, R. Chatrath, G.P. Singh, V.S. Sohu, G.S. Mavi, V.S.P. Sakuru, I.K. Kalappanavar, V.K. Mishra, B. Arun, M.Y. Mujahid, M. Hussain, N.R. Gautam, N.C.D. Barma, A. Hakim, W. Hoppitt, R. Trethowan, M.P. Reynolds. (2014). A wheat phenotyping network to incorporate physiological traits for climate change in South Asia. Field Crops Research. 168: 156-167
- Alok Kumar Srivastava, Pratiksha Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Prem Lal Kashyap, Hillol Chakdar, Sudheer Kumar, Arun Kumar Sharma. 2014 Identification and characterization of ethanol utilizing fungal flora of oil refinery contaminated soil. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 30(2): 705-714
- Anil Khippal, Samar Singh, Meharchand, Rajender Sheokand, Jasbir Singh and Ramesh Verma. (2016). Mechanized and profitable intercropping of legumes in autumn planted sugarcane. Legume Research, 39 (3) 2016: 411-418.
- Anil Khippal, Samar Singh, Meharchand, Rajender Sheokand, Jasbir Singh, Amit Kumar Sharma and Ramesh Verma. 2016. Mechanized Intercropping of Legumes in Spring Planted Sugarcane. VEGETOS, 29(special): 52-64.
- Anjney Sharma, Preeti Singh, Sudheer Kumar, Prem Lal Kashyap, Alok Kumar Srivastava, Hillol Chakdar, Ram Nageena Singh, Rajeev Kaushik, A. K. Saxena and Arun Kumar Sharma 2015 Deciphering Diversity of Salt-Tolerant Bacilli from Saline Soils of Eastern Indo-gangetic Plains of India. Geomicrobiology Journal 32, 170–180
- AP Wasson, RA Richards, R Chatrath, SC Misra, Sai Prasad, SV, DC Saxena, GJ Rebetzke, JA Kirkegaard, J Christopher andM Watt. (2012). Traits and selection strategies to improve root systems and water uptake in water-limited wheat crops. Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (9): 3485–3498.
- B Pandey, A Kaur, OP Gupta, I Sharma, P Sharma(2015)Identification of HSP20 Gene Family in Wheat and Barley and Their Differential Expression Profiling Under Heat StressApplied biochemistry and biotechnology 175 (5), 2427-2446.
- B Pandey, OP Gupta, DM Pandey, I Sharma, P Sharma (2014).Identification of new stress-induced microRNA and their targets in wheat using computational approachPlant signaling & behavior 8 (5), e23932.
- B Pandey, P Sharma, C Tyagi, S Goyal, A Grover, I Sharma (2016) Structural modeling and molecular simulation analysis of HvAP2/EREBP from barley. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 34 (6): 1159-1175 .
- B Pandey, P Sharma, DM Pandey, I Sharma, R Chatrath 2013. Identification of new aquaporin genes and single nucleotide polymorphism in bread wheat. Evolutionary Bioinformatics. 9: 437.
- B Pandey, P Sharma, DM Pandey, J Varshney, S Sheoran, R Singh, I Sharma, R Chatrath. (2012). Comprehensive computational analysis of different classes of Glutathione S-transferases in Triticum aestivum L. Plant Omics.5(6):518-531.
- Bhardwaj AK, P Jasrotia SK, Hamilton and Robertson GP (2011). Ecological management of agroecosystems enhances soil quality with sustained productivity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140, 419-429.
- Bhardwaj, A.K., T. Zenone, P. Jasrotia, G.P. Robertson, J. Chen and S.K. Hamilton (2011). Water and energy footprints of bioenergy crop production on marginal lands. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 3 (3): 208-222.
- Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal Singh, Jaspreet Purba, RK Sharma, ML Jat, Yadvinder-Singh, HS Thind, RK Gupta, OP Choudhary, P Chandna, HS Khurana, Ajay Kumar, Jagmohan-Singh, HS Uppal, RK Uppal, Monica Vashistha, Raj Gupta. 2015. Site-specific fertilizer nitrogen management in irrigated transplanted rice (Oryza sativa) using optical sensor. Precision Agriculture. 16 (4): 455-475.
- Chadha GK, P Ramasundaram and R Sendhil (2013). Is Third World agricultural R&D slipping into a technological orphanage?, Current Science, 105 (7): 908-913.
- Chhokar RS, RK Sharma, MK Gathala and AK Pundir. (2014). Effects of Crop Establishment Techniques on Weeds and Rice Yield. Crop Protection. 64:7-12.
- Coventry DR, RS Poswal, Ashok Yadav, Amritbir S Riar, Yi ZhouAnuj Kumar, Ramesh Chand, RS Chhokar, RK Sharma, VK Yadav, RK Gupta, Anil Mehta and JA Cummins. (2015). A comparison of farming practices and performance for wheat production in Haryana, India. Agricultural Systems 137: 139-153.
- D Garg, S Sareen, S Dalal, R Tiwari, R. Singh (2013) Grain filling duration and temperature pattern influence the performance of wheat genotypes under late planting. Cereal Research Communications 41 (3): 500-507
- D Mohan. 2014. Analysis of long-term wheat varieties for climate resilience and productivity oscillation in different environments of India. Indian J. Genet., 74(4): 430-437.
- Deal, M.W., Xu,J., John, R., Zenone, T., Chen,J., Chu, H., Jasrotia, P. Kahmark, K. Bossenbroek, J. and Mayer C. (2014). Net primary production in three bioenergy crop systems following land conversion. Journal of Plant Ecology 7 (5): 451-460.
- Dev I, Radotra S, Khola OPS, Misri B, Sareen S, Srivastava AK, Singh B, Sharma SK, Chamoli KP and Kumar D (2016) Natural Resource enhancement through silvipastoral establishment in western Himalayan region. Ind. Jour. Animal Sc. 86(11): 1296-1301
- Dev I., Radotra S, Khola OPS, Misri B, Sareen S, Singh JP, Srivastava, AK, Singh B, Sharma SK, Chamoli KP and Kumar D (2014) Impact of participatory silvipastoral intervention and soil conservation measures for forage resource enhancement in western Himalaya. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (3): 365–70
- Dev, I., Khola, O P S, Radotra, S., Sareen, S., Misri, B., Srivastava, A.K. and Sharma, S. K. (2012) Silvipastoral approach to improve productivity of native pastures for improved livestock production in mid hills of Western Himalaya. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 82 (11): 1392–1397.
- Dinesh Kumar, SA Kerkhi, Gyanendra Singh and Jang Bahadur Singh (2015). Estimates of genetic parameters for grain yield, agro-morphological traits and quality attributes in bread wheat. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(5): 622-627.
- G Velu, J Crossa, RP Singh, Y Hao, S Dreisigacker, Paulino Perez‑Rodriguez,• AK Joshi, R Chatrath, Vikas Gupta, A Balasubramaniam, C Tiwari, VK Mishra,VS Sohu, GS Mavi (2016) Genomic prediction for grain zinc and iron concentrations in spring wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet.129 (8): 1595-1605.
- Garlock RJ, Bals B, Jasrotia P, Balan V and Dale BE (2012). Influence of variable species composition on the saccharification of AFEX™ pretreated biomass from unmanaged fields in comparison to corn stover. Biomass and Bioenergy 37:49-59.
- Grewal S, Kour A, Tiwari R, Chand, S, Prabhu KV, Singh NK. (2014). Development of doubled haploid mapping population for drought tolerant high chapati quality Indian wheat variety C306 using wheat x maize system. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 74(2): 248-250
- Gupta Arun, Shephalika Amrapali, Mukesh Kumar, Pinkey Khati, Bhagwant Lal, PK Agrawal, Vinay Mahajan, JC Bhatt. (2015). Distinctness, uniformity and stability testing in Maize Inbreds. National Academy Science Letters 39(1):5-9
- Gupta OP, Mishra V, Singh NK, Tiwari R, Sharma P, Gupta RK and Sharma I. 2015. Deciphering the dynamics of changing proteins of tolerant and intolerant wheat seedlings subjected to heat stress. Molecular biology reports. 42(1): 43-51
- Gupta OP, P Sharma, NL Meena, I Sharma (2014). Differential regulation of microRNAs in response to osmotic, salt and cold stresses in wheat. Mol Biol Rep. 41(7):4623-9. doi: 10.1007/s11033-014-3333-0.
- Gupta Arun, Sood Salej, Khulbe R. K., Agrawal P.K., Bhatt J.C., Pandey B.M., Chandrashekar C., Bisht G. S. (2015). Variety VL Mandua 352. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (The) 75 (1): 153-153.
- Gupta, A, Sood S, PK Agrawal and JC Bhatt (2015). B 29 : An easy de-hulling Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa frumentacea Link) Genotype. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. 38: 21.
- Gyanendra Singh, N Kulshreshtha, BN Singh, Tim L Setter, MK Singh, MS Saharan, BS Tyagi, Ajay Verma and Indu Sharma (2014). Germplasm characterization, association and clustering for salinity and water logging tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9):1102-10.
- H. Sharma, S. Sheoran, S. Narwal, R. Malik, I. Sharma, R. Chatrath. (2014). Computational analysis of cis-Acting regulatory elements in 5′ regulatory regions of sucrose transporter gene families in wheat and Arabidopsis. Research Journal of Biotechnology 9(4): 75-81.
- Harish, G., Nataraja, M.V., Jasrotia, P., Holajjer, P., Savaliya, S.D. and Gajera M. (2015) Impact of weather on occurrence pattern of insect pests on groundnut. Legume Research An International Journal. 38:524-535.
- Hemant Kumar, Priti Priya, Nena Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Binod Kumar Chaudhary, Lokendra Kumar, Indu Shekhar Singh and Nitish Kumar (2016). RAPD and ISSR marker-based comparative evaluation of genetic diversity among Indian germplasm of Euryale ferox: an aquatic food plant. Appl Biochem Biotechnol Published online on 30 June 2016
- Ilya Gelfand, T. Zenone, P. Jasrotia, J.Chen, S.K Hamilton, and G.P. Robertson (2011). Conversion of CRP grassland to cropping systems for bioenergy production causes large CO2 emissions. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences-United States of America (PNAS-USA) 108 (33): 13864-13869.
- Indu Sharma, BS Tyagi, Gyanendra Singh, K Venkatesh and OP Gupta (2015). Enhancing wheat production- a global perspective. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(1):3-13.
- Indu Sharma, Ramesh Kumar Sharma and Sendhil R (2014). Strategies for increasing production and productivity of wheat and barley (2014). Current Science. 106 (4): 502-504
- Indu Sharma, RK Sharma and R Sendhil. (2014). Strategy for increasing production and productivity of wheat and barley. Current Science. 106 (4): 502-504.
- Islam Shahnawazul, Sushila Kundu, Jag Shoran, Naved Sabir, Kirti Sharma, Samir Farooqi, Randhir Singh, Hari Om Agarwal, KK Chaturvedi, RK Sharma and AK Sharma. (2012). Selection of wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety through expert system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 82(1): 43–47.
- Jasrotia, Poonam, M. V. Nataraja, G. Harish, Ram Dutta, and S. D. Savaliya (2016). Effect of trap design and weather factors on relative efficiency of yellow sticky traps for sampling aphids in groundnut. Legume Research-An International Journal. DOI:10.18805/lr.v0iOF. 9290.
- Jat ML, JC Dagar, Tek B. Sapkota, Yadvinder-Singh, Bram Govaerts, Santiago L. Ridaura, Yash S Saharawat, Ramesh K. Sharma, JP Tetarwal, Huntington Hobbs, Clare Stirling. (2015). Climate Change and Agriculture: Adaptation Strategies and Mitigation Opportunities for Food Security in South Asia and Latin America. Advances in Agronomy. 137: 127-236.
- Jayasudha Srinivasa, Balasubramaniam Arun, Vinod Kumar Mishra, Ramesh Chand, Deepak Sharma, Subhash Chander Bhardwaj and Arun Kumar Joshi (2014). Accessing the spelt gene pool to develop well-adapted bread wheat lines with increased grain zinc and iron. Crop Sci. 54:1–11.
- Joshi, D., Bhatt, J.C., Hooda, K.S., Gupta, A. (2012) Management of finger millet blast (Eleusine coracana) under field conditions by plant extracts. Indian J. of Agric. Sciences 82(3): 284-287.
- K. Gopalareddy, Anju Singh, Arvind Kumar Ahlawat and Jai Prakash Jaiswal(2015). Genotype environment interaction for grain iron and zinc concentration in recombinant inbred lines of a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cross. Indian J Genet., 75(3): 307-313. doi:10.5958/09756906.2015.00048.6
- Kanti Kiran, Hukam C Rawal, Himanshu Dubey, Rajdeep Jaswal, B.N Devanna, Deepak Kumar Gupta, Subhash C Bhardwaj, P Prasad, Dharam Pal, Parveen Chhuneja, P Balasubramanian, J Kumar, M Swami, Amolkumar U Solanke, Kishor Gaikwad, Nagendra K Singh, and Tilak Raj Sharma (2016).Draft genome of the wheat rust pathogen (Puccinia triticina) unravels genome-wide structural variations during evolution. Genome Biol. Evol. 8(9):2702–2721.
- Katiyar A, Smita S, Muthusamy SK, Chinnusamy V, Pandey DM and Bansal KC (2015). Identification of novel drought-responsive microRNAs and trans-acting siRNAs from Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench by high-throughput sequencing analysis. Front Plant Sci. 9;6:506. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00506.
- Kaur M, Singh R, Kumar S, Mandhan RP, Sharma I (2016) Identification of QTL conferring Karnal bunt resistance in bread wheat. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 15:34-38
- Kaushal Kamini, Bhardwaj S. C., Mishra A. N., Upadhyaya Y. M., Prasad S. V. Sai, Pandey H. N (2015). Near-isogenic lines in NP 4 background carrying the genes Lr1, Lr2a, Lr2c, Lr3a, Lr9, Lr10, Lr15, Lr17a and Lr20 as locally adapted differentials for Indian pathotypes of wheat leaf rust. Indian J. Genet. 75(3): 379-381
- Krishnan P, Anchal Das, RK Sharma, Ankur Kukreja, Ravi Srivastava, Ruchika Jan Singhal, KK Bandyopadhyay, Khajanchi Lal, KM Manjaiah, RS Chhokar and SC Gill. (2016). A world wide web-based crop simulation model InfoCrop-Wheat. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127:324-335.
- Kumar, A., Sharma, N., Panwar, P. and Gupta, A. (2012) Use of SSR, RAPD markers and protein profiles based analysis to differentiate Eleusine coracana genotypes differing in their protein content. Molecular Biol. Reporter. 39(4): 4949-4960.
- Kumar, V., S. Singh, R.S. Chhokar, R.K. Malik, D.C. Brainard and J.K. Ladha (2013). Weed management strategies to reduce herbicide use in zero till rice-wheat cropping systems of the Indo-Gangetic plains. Weed Tech. 27(1): 214-254.
- Lokendra Kumar, AK Chaudhary , BP Bhatt and KP Singh (2015). Genetic divergence in Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb), Indian j. Hort.72 (3) : 365-369
- Mamrutha HM, Sharma D, Sumanth Kumar K, Venkatesh K, Tiwari V and Sharma I. (2016). Influence of diurnal irradiance variation on chlorophyll values in wheat: A comparative study using different chlorophyll meters. (Accepted) in National Academy Science Letters.
- Manjunatha C, Aggarwal Rashmi, S.C. Bhardwaj and Sharma Sapna (2015). Virulence analysis and molecular characterization of Puccinia triticina pathotypes causing wheat leaf rust in India. Research Journal of Biotechnology 2015 10(12): 98-107.
- Manoj Kumar Solanki, Amrita Shalini Robert, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Sudheer Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Pandey, Alok K. Srivastava and Dilip K. Arora 2012 Characterization of mycolytic enzymes of Bacillus strains and their bio-protection role against Rhizoctonia solani in tomato. Current Microbiology. DOI: 10.1007/s00284-012-0160-1.
- Manoj Kumar Solanki, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Supriya Srivastava, Sudheer Kumar, Prem Lal Kashyap, Alok K Srivastava. (2013). Characterization of antagonistic-potential of two Bacillus strains and their biocontrol activity against Rhizoctonia solani in tomato. Journal of Basic Microbiology. DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201300528.
- Manoj Kumar Solanki, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Supriya Srivastava, Sudheer Kumar, Prem Lal Kashyap, Alok Kumar Srivastava and Dilip K. Arora.(2013) Isolation and characterization of siderophore producing antagonistic rhizobacteria against Rhizoctonia solani. Journal of Basic Microbiology. DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201200564
- Manoj Kumar Solanki, Sudheer Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Panday, Supriya Srivastava, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Prem L. Kashyap, Alok K. Srivastava and Dilip K. Arora (2012). Diversity and antagonistic potential of Bacillus spp. associated to the rhizosphere of tomato for the management of Rhizoctonia solani. Biocontrol Science & Technology. 22: 203-217
- Marta S Lopes, Matthew P Reynolds, C Lynne McIntyre, Ky L Mathews, M R Jalal Kamali, Moussa Mossad, Yousef Feltaous, Izzat S A Tahir, R Chatrath, Francis Ogbonnaya and Michael Baum 2012. QTL for yield and associated traits in the Seri/Babax population grown across several environments in Mexico, in the West Asia, North Africa, and South Asia regions. Theoretical Applied Genetics. 126:971–984
- Mishra C N, V Tiwari, Amit Kumar And Indu Sharma (2016). Combining two contrasting ecotypes (spring and winter) of wheat for yield and nutritional components Bangladesh Journal of Botany
- MK Singh, PK Sharma, BS Tyagi and Gyanendra Singh (2013).Genetic analysis for morphological traits and protein content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L) under normal and heat-stress environments. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(3): 320-324.
- MK Singh, PK Sharma, BS Tyagi and Gyanendra Singh (2014). Combining ability for yield and protein content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(3):328-336.
- MK Singh, PK Sharma, BS Tyagi and Gyanendra Singh (2014). Heterosis for yield component traits and protein content in bread wheat under normal and heat-stress environment. Cereal Research Communication, 42(1):151-162.
- Mohan D and Gupta RK. (2013). Analysing grain properties of Indian bread-wheat cultivars for defining route to end-product quality and key attributes for selection. Indian J. Genet., 73(4): 1-8.
- Mohan D and Gupta RK. (2015). Understanding dynamics of gluten harvest in augmenting bread quality of high-yield Indian wheats. Indian J. Genet., 75(3):318-323.
- Mohan D and V Tiwari (2016). Influence of varying crop seasons and locations in sustaining wheat yield under two agro-climatically diverse zones of India. Field Crops Research 196: 402–408.
- Mohan D, Gupta RK and Sharma Indu. (2013). Harnessing flour recovery in the Indian wheats. Indian J. agric. Sci., 83(7): 781-787.
- Mohan D, Gupta RK and Verma A. (2013). Characterization of popular bread wheat cultivars of India for grain quality and the stable genetic resource. Indian J. Genet., 73(1): 14-22.
- Mohan D. and Gupta R. K. (2016). Exploring phenotypic expression to augment quality of Triticum aestivum and improve selection efficiency. Indian J. Genet., 76(2): 144-151.
Muthusamy SK, Dalal M, Chinnusamy V and Bansal KC (2016). Differential Regulation of Genes Coding for Organelle and Cytosolic ClpATPases under Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Wheat. Front Plant Sci. 28;7:929. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00929. - N Honnareddy, Rashmi Aggarwal, Sapna Sharma, Sangeeta Gupta and Gyanendra Singh (2014). Isolation and identification of defense responsive genes in wheat during incompatible interaction with Bipolaris sorokiniana (Cochliobolus sativus) using SSH technique.Vegetos, 27(3):11-20.
- OP Gupta, P Sharma, RK Gupta and I Sharma (2014). MicroRNA mediated regulation of metal toxicity in plants: present status and future perspectives Plant molecular biology 84 (1-2): 1-18.
- OP Gupta, P Sharma, RK Gupta, I Sharma(2014). Current status on role of miRNAs during plant–fungus interaction Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 85, 1-7.
- P. Sharma, S. Sareen, M. Saini and Shefali. Assessing genetic variation for heat stress tolerance in Indian bread wheat genotypes using morpho-physiological traits and molecular markers. Plant Genetic Resources, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S1479262116000241.
- P. Sharma, Sharma I and Bhardwaj S C (2012). Studies on a new pathotype 93R57 of Puccinia triticina on wheat in India. Plant Dis. 96(10):1580.
- Pandey B, Sharma P, Pandey DM, Sheoran S, Singh R, Sharma I, Chatrath R (2012) Comprehensive computational analysis of different classes of Glutathione S-transferases in Triticum aestivum L. Plant Omics 5(6):518-531
- Pandey G C., S. Sareen, P. Siwach and R. Tiwari (2014) Molecular characterization of heat tolerance in bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using differences in thousand grain weights (dTGW) as a potential indirect selection criterion. Cereal Research Communications 42(1): 38 -46.
- Pandey GC, Mamrutha HM, Tiwari R, Sareen S, Bhatia S, Tiwari V and Sharma I. (2014). Physiological traits associated with heat tolerance in bread wheat. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 21: 93- 99.
- Ponnusamy K and R Sendhil (2015). Gender issues and livelihood pattern of migrant women labourers of farm families, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85 (11): 1428-34.
- Ponnusamy K, R Sendhil and M Krishnan (2016). Socio-economic development of fishers in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states in India. Indian Journal of Fisheries 63 (3): 157-161.
- Pradeep Kumar, Gyanendra Singh, Devi Singh and Anil Sirohi (2016). Genetic architecture of various morphological and some quality traits in bread wheat. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87 (in press).
- Pramod Prasad, SC Bhardwaj, Hanif Khan, OP Gangwar, Subodh Kumar and S. B. Singh (2016). Ug99: saga, reality and status. Current Science. 110(9):114-116.
- Prashant R, Mani E, Rai R, Gupta RK, Tiwari R, Dholakia B, Oak M, Roder M, Kadoo N and Gupta V. 2015. Genotype – environment interactions and QTL clusters underlying dough rheology traits in Triticum aestivum L. Journal of Cereal Science.64: 82-91.
- Pratima Sharma , Shilpi Kumari , S.C.Bhardwaj and J Kumar (2015). Molecular marker assisted back cross breeding for effective transfer of Lr19 in wheat. (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian J Genet. 75(2):253-255.
- Prem Lal Kashyap, Shalini Rai, Sudheer Kumar, Alok Kumar Srivastava, M. Anandaraj and Arun Kumar Sharma (2015). Mating type genes and genetic markers to decipher intraspecific variability among Fusarium udum isolates from pigeonpea. J. Basic Microbiol. 55, 846–856.
- Prem Lal Kashyap, Sudheer Kumar, Alok Kumar Srivastava, Arun Kumar Sharma (2013) Myconanotechnology in agriculture: a perspective. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 29: 191-207.
- R.K.Gupta, Mudasir Amin, P. Jasrotia and Bali K. 2013. Development of the predator Eocanthecona furcellata on different proportions of nucleopolyhedrovirus infected Spodoptera litura larvae and potential for predator dissemination of virus in the field. Biocontrol 58: 543-552.
- R.P.S. Verma, B. Sarkar, A.S. Kharub, D. Kumar, R. Selvakumar, S. Narwal, V. Kumar and I. Sharma. 2012. Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm, Barley variety DWRB 73. Indian Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding, 72 (3): 400.
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