Three days “Awareness -cum-Training Programme on Agricultural Technologies” was organised during January 09-11th, 2024 under SCSP Programme of NICRA Project on “Improvement of stress adaptive traits in crops using endophytes under different agroecology” at Krishi Vigyan Kendras of Ambala (on 9th January 2024), Kaithal (on 10th January 2024), and Jhajjar (on 11th January 2024) in Haryana by ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal in collaboration with KVKs of Ambala, Kaithal and Jhajjar. More than 50 farmers participated at each of the above KVKs in this programme. Dr. Satyavir Singh, Dr. Anil Khippal, Dr. Mamrutha HM and Dr. Rinki participated from ICAR-IIWBR and briefed the farmers about SCSP programme and the initiatives taken by ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal for the benefit of Scheduled Caste farmers and also on the activities being carried out under NICRA project. Around 12 resource persons from different KVKs (4 at each KVK) participated in the programmes and discussed about several aspects of agricultural technologies for the benefit of farmers including role of KVKs for upliftment of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe communities. Other topics discussed were, Weed management in wheat crop, Importance of soil health in crop production, Production of chemical free vegetables, IPM in wheat crop, Managerial skills for rural livelihood, Disease management of different vegetable and cereal crops, Self Help Groups and Startups for upliftment of women farmers, Mushroom cultivation entrepreneurship and Importance of agroforestry in agriculture. Several queries of the farmers were discussed and answered on the spot. In all three days, the need, importance and initiatives taken for Natural Farming by government were extensively discussed. The farmers were motivated for adopting Natural Farming in their farms and in kitchen gardens.